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Address Of Social Needs

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Address of Social Needs
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation

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Address of Social Needs
While social needs are many, and they all require to be addressed, the attention is always at
different levels. Peace is one of the societal needs that attract immediate action. On the other
hand, truth is also a societal need, and few look to have a concern about its absence.
Peace is frequently addressed at any gathering where world leaders are involved. Additionally,
any event that disturbs peace gets instant action (Gizelis, 2018). The power base of this societal
need is political. For any country to function, peace is necessary. Clear policies exist that ensure
there is peace in society. The existence of standing armies is a preparation to counter any threat
of peace. Additionally, the existence of different groups of police officers is ensuring law and
order exists.
Truth is a social need that seems neglected. Indeed, lying has become common in society that it
looks normal. Although many reasons exist as to the neglect, it starts at individual levels. The
fear of consequences is the leading cause of the negligence of this need. A child will learn to lie
for fear of the backlash from those in authority, such as parents. The vice then gets entrenched
and gets hard to discard. Other groups lie for different reasons and mainly to serve their selfish
needs. For example, politicians will lie to the electorate since they need to ascend to power. The
individualization of lies has led to the erosion of truth (Kuntz, 2016). Parents have a role in
exercising the truth at all times as a way of addressing this societal need. It is only then that
children will grow to understand that truth is an essential social need.

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Running head: ADDRESS OF SOCIAL NEEDS Address of Social Needs Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation 1 ADDRESS OF SOCIAL NEEDS 2 Address of Social Needs While social needs are many, and they all require to be addressed, the attention is always at different levels. Peace is one of the societal needs that attract immediate action. On the other hand, truth is also a societal need, and few look to have a concern about its absence. Peace Peace is frequently addressed at any gathering where world leaders are involved. Additionally, any event that disturbs peace gets instant action (Gizelis, 2018). The power base of this societal need is political. For any country to function, peace is necessary. Clear policies exist that ensure there is peace in society. The existence of standing armies is a preparation to counter any threat of peace. Additionally, the existence of different groups o ...
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