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Commonalities Of Hate Crime And Acts Of Intolerance..edited

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Bridgewater State University
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Commonalities of hate crime and acts of intolerance
Hate crime is an act of bias in terms of race, religion, political affiliation, sexual
preference, among other societal aspects. Xenophobia and racism abuse have characterized
the modern-day actions of the crime. The lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgender groups
have faced massive backlash translating to episodes of hate crime and even violence. The
hate crime practices and acts of intolerance have been quite rampant with Europe, Africa,
Asia, and America continents being affected. The lack of tolerance has been prompted by the
non-desire to accommodate distinct believes and practices in the modern world. Individuals
are no longer lenient with one another; thus, the fact that people are different creates
animosity between the persons.
The hate on the Islamic religion and believers in some parts of Europe is quite alarming.
Some countries, such as Germany, are mostly affected by the non-tolerance of the Muslim
believers within the state. Islamophobia might have been influenced by the acts of terrorism
activities and attacks within the European continent. The hate crime on Muslims is because
many terrorist groups and organizations have associated themselves with the religion
(TRTWorld 1.46). The believers, therefore, are left bearing the consequences of hate crime,
which at times escalate to violent attacks. Activists, however, are working to ensure that the
hate crime incidences end so that the Muslim community can coexist peacefully with
individuals from other religious affiliations.

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Political believes and associations have also been associated with cases of hate crime in the
modern world. Brexit, for instance, is believed to have influenced a series of hate crime and
non-tolerance incidences around Europe. Racism incidences are believed to have risen
significantly against Great Britain since it decided to leave the European Union
(Channel4News 2.80). The show of hatred has been manifested through insults and vulgar
statements, both written and verbal, targeting the nation. The political influences on hate
crime, in most cases, translate to racism attacks. Racism has had a history with persons with
either African or Asian affiliations suffering the most.
Incidences of racism are still on the rise in the modern ages, with politicians and public
notables being at the forefront in these acts of intolerance. Some of the public figures,
however, have come out to speak against racism acts publicly. Social media platforms have,
on numerous occasions, been used for and against the promotion of hate crime
(CItyNewsToronto 1.53). Hate crime has also been witnessed in the United States of America
promoted by the different political associations in the nation. Democrats and Republicans are
most times at loggerheads with each other translating to incidences of intolerance and at
times, violence.
The sexual orientation of persons in modern society is different. The traditional setting of
sexual orientation has changed with society witnessing a massive growth in Lesbians, gays,
bisexuals, and transgender communities all over the world. The communities have faced
enormous backlash from society with most countries in Africa banning the group. Members
affiliated with the LGBT community have in many incidences faced violent attacks
propagated by hate crimes against the group. Despite some countries having legal rights to
protect the group, it has faced acts of intolerance from specific fractions of the society
(goingundergroundRT 2.38).

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COMMONALITIES OF HATE CRIME AND ACTS OF INTOLERANCE 1 Student’s name Professor’s name Course name Date Commonalities of hate crime and acts of intolerance Hate crime is an act of bias in terms of race, religion, political affiliation, sexual preference, among other societal aspects. Xenophobia and racism abuse have characterized the modern-day actions of the crime. The lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgender groups have faced massive backlash translating to episodes of hate crime and even violence. The hate crime practices and acts of intolerance have been quite rampant with Europe, Africa, Asia, and America continents being affected. The lack of tolerance has been prompted by the non-desire to accommodate distinct believes and practices in the modern world. Individuals are no longer lenient with one another; thus, the fact that people are different creates animosity between the persons. The hate on the Islamic religion and believers in some parts of Europe is quite alarming. Some countries, such as Germany, are mostly affected by the non-tolerance of the Muslim believers within the state. Islamophobia might have been influenced by the acts of terrorism activities and attack ...
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