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Optimal Policy Reform To Improve Health Care In The United States

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The University of Alabama at Birmingham
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Optimal policy reform to improve health care in the United States
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Optimal policy reform to improve health care in the United States
1. After reading the chapters in Part IV of the Goudreau text, what would you propose as
the optimal policy reform to improve health care in the United States?
The most optimal policy reform that needs to be undertaken in the United States is the
formation of a federal owned and managed universal healthcare insurance. Weisbart (2012)
presents that a single universal insurance payment system would help to improve resource
utilization and allocation. They present that the single payer system has been effective in other
countries and would ultimately help transform the US healthcare system. Weisbart (2012) argues
that the single universal insurance system would benefit the US healthcare system by
consolidating fragmented finances. Weisbart (2012) adds that the administrative baggage caused
by fragmented payment systems has led to increased healthcare costs. The fragmented nature of
the US payment system has also led to overhead costs that are not accounted towards improving
quality of the care delivery. The article also presents that consolidation of the payment process
and system would help to reduce billing expenses as well as malpractice of the caregivers.
The consolidation of the payment system into a single system will also help to reduce the
cost of tools, equipment, and raw materials due to bulk purchasing. Weisbart (2012) argues that
the use of bulk purchasing would help the federal government to bargain for cheaper medication
and other healthcare requirements. Bulk buying and economies of large-scale operation would
ultimately help the government to save on costs. Working on a single payment system would
also make it easy to track and enforce policies regarding quality and timeliness of care. Such a
move would give the government more control in the care delivery process (Weisbart, 2012). A
single universal system would make it easy for the government to negotiate on the international
market for drugs and other inputs.

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Running head: OPTIMAL POLICY REFORM IN US HEALTHCARE Optimal policy reform to improve health care in the United States Student’s name: Institutional affiliation: 1 OPTIMAL POLICY REFORM IN US HEALTHCARE 2 Optimal policy reform to improve health care in the United States 1. After reading the chapters in Part IV of the Goudreau text, what would you propose as the optimal policy reform to improve health care in the United States? The most optimal policy reform that needs to be undertaken in the United States is the formation of a federal owned and managed universal healthcare insurance. Weisbart (2012) presents that a single universal insurance payment system would help to improve resource utilization and allocation. They present that the single payer system has been effective in other countries and would ultimately help transform the US healthcare system. Weisbart (2012) argues that the single universal insurance system would benefit the US healthcare system by consolidating fragmented finances. Weisbart (2012) adds that the administrative baggage caused by fragmented payment systems has led to increased healthcare costs. The fragmented nature of the US payment system has also led to overhead costs that are not accounted towards improving quality of the care delivery. The article also presents that consolidation of the payment process and system would help to reduce billing expenses as well as malpractice of the caregivers. The consolidation of the payment system into ...
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