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Virtue Of Character And Ethics

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Fordham University
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Virtue of Character and Ethics

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Virtue of Character and Ethics
Aristotle first developed the moral theory of virtue of character. According to Aristotle, the
theory suggests that people can train their characters in a way that brings out different virtues.
These virtues will help them determine what is right and wrong in any given situation. If every
individual in the society can develop these virtues, then society will be a perfect place for everyone
to live in. Aristotle mainly puts more emphasis on the importance of good habits and character in
conduct. According to Aristotle, virtue of character is the primary cause of the different actions
and behaviors of people (Aristotle, 2014). This paper discusses whether virtue of character is an
effective standard for ethics or not and further giving reasons in each case.
Aristotle argues that moral virtue is the only practical method of ensuring good and
effective actions in people. The various decisions made by people in their day to activities are
usually as a result of their different virtues. A person whose character is good always has the desire
and ability to think constructively before making any decisions. He or she can carry out the right
evaluations and judgments before making a decision (Aristotle, 2014).
In any investigation of ethics, it is essential to analyze how people can be taught to be good.
Aristotle brings out this concept of moral education clearly and straightforwardly. He says that
virtue cannot be taught in schools or classrooms. His explanation of virtue of character is therefore
not meant to make people good but instead to explain to them what characters and behaviors are
considered to be good. His form of ethics is also aimed at explaining why a particular character is
said to be good and how people can build institutions and societies that incorporate this goodness.
According to Aristotle, virtue is obtained through constant learning and practice that starts in the
early stages of a person’s life (Aristotle, 2014). People, therefore, have to keep up with practices
that portray the good character for them to be regarded as ethical in all these practices.

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Running head: VIRTUE OF CHARACTER AND ETHICS Virtue of Character and Ethics Name Institution Professor Date 1 VIRTUE OF CHARACTER AND ETHICS 2 Virtue of Character and Ethics Aristotle first developed the moral theory of virtue of character. According to Aristotle, the theory suggests that people can train their characters in a way that brings out different virtues. These virtues will help them determine what is right and wrong in any given situation. If every individual in the society can develop these virtues, then society will be a perfect place for everyone to live in. Aristotle mainly puts more emphasis on the importance of good habits and character in conduct. According to Aristotle, virtue of character is the primary cause of the different actions and behaviors of people (Aristotle, 2014). This paper discusses whether virtue of character is an effective standard for ethics or not and further giving reasons in each case. Aristotle argues that moral virtue is the only practical method of ensuring good and effective actions in people. The various decisions made by people in their day to activities are usually as a result of their different virtues. A person whose character is good always has the desire and ability to think constructively before making any decisions. He or she can carry out the right evaluations and judgments before making a decision (Aristotle, 2014). In any investigation of ethics, it is essential to analyze how people can be taught to be good. Aris ...
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