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GE Company
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GE 2
How is GE changing its business strategy and business model? What is the role of
information technology in GE’s business? GE is moving from the traditional manufacturing
industry to technology-centered business focusing mainly on technology that controls and
monitors industrial machines (Hemati, 2016). GE needs to communicate with its vendors, suppliers
and customers, information technology will play the role of offering better communication
platforms to all individuals involved in the company.
On what business functions and level of decision making are GE focusing?
GE has invested in technology-centered industrial machines that help its customers to monitor all
processes of their equipment, prevent the breakdown of equipment, and also the overall health of
all the machines. As GE has invested a good amount of capital in installing sensors on gas turbines,
jet engines and other machines, then connecting them to the cloud, and later analyzing all the data
for better machine productivity, the future of the company has a lot. GE is focusing more on its
software and the Internet of things.
Describe three kinds of decisions that can be supported using Predix. What is the value to
the firm of each of those decisions?
Predix is a software platform launched in 2015 to collect data from industrial sensors and analyze
the information in the cloud. Predix allows customers and other stakeholders to connect easily
and directly from their machines to the industrial internet. The regulations, standards involved in
Predix are clear and easy to follow. This decision is of value to the firm as more customers connect
to the software.

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GE Company Name of the Student Name of the Affiliate Institution GE 2 How is GE changing its business strategy and business model? What is the role of information technology in GE’s business? GE is moving from the traditional manufacturing industry to technology-centered business focusing mainly on technology that controls and monitors industrial machines (Hemati, 2016). GE needs to communicate with its vendors, suppliers and customers, information technology will play the role of offering better communication platforms to all individuals involved in the company. On what business functions and level of decision making are GE focusing? GE has invested in technology-centered industrial machines that help its customers to monitor all processes of their equipment, prevent the breakdown of equipment, and also the overall health of all the machines. As GE has invested a good amount of capital in installing sensors on gas turbines, jet engines and other machines, then connecting them to the cloud, and later analyzing all the data for better machine productivity, the future of the company has a lot. GE is focusing more on its software and the Internet of things. Describe three kinds ...
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