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Soc313 parkinsons disease case study template v2 revised 2 8 21 edited 1

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SOC313 1
Parkinson’s Disease Case Study
INSTRUCTIONS: You should review Chapters 1, 2 & 9 before completing the template. Details are required for each section. If
you include enough detail for each section, the template portion of the final document will be at least five double-spaced pages in
length, which meets the paper length requirements. Include APA citations within the Response column where appropriate. You must
use a minimum of three scholarly resources within the assignment. List your references in APA format on the last row of this template.
All citations and references must be in APA style according to the Writing Center guidelines. Once you complete the template, upload
the document to the Week 2 Assignment section of the course.
Briefly define Parkinson’s disease.
What physical changes occur
related to the onset of the disease?
What are the possible
psychological changes with PD?
What system(s) are affected?
What is the prognosis?
What are the treatments and
1)The person's body starts experiencing tremors, speech gets blurred, hand shivers so can’t
hold anything tightly, stiffness, stooped posture, the inability of motor coordination, spur of
anger, anxiety, and depression.
2) Mental health issues start showing up. Which includes anxiety, hallucinations,
depression, memory loss, dementia, and low self-confidence.
3) Parkinson’s Disease is a neurodegenerative disease. It causes dysfunction and the death
of nerve cells in the brain. It affects motor, cognitive, behavioral, and psychological
functioning. Individuals with Parkinson's also lose the nerve endings that produce
norepinephrine as well as cuts offcuts off a critical dopamine source.
PDR - 878696

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SOC313 2
4) Prognosis of this disease is dementia, which is permanent memory loss. Parkinson's does
not cause death. It puts so much strain on the body that its other organs start affecting
making the human body more susceptible to life-threatening infections. Advancement in
treatments and medications the quality of life of the people suffering from Parkinson's
disease has greatly enhanced. Now they can have a normal life expectancy.
5) there is no cure for Parkinson’s disease, but treatment can make symptoms less intense
and improves the quality of life. There are three major treatments: supportive therapies such
as physiotherapy, taking medication by the name of called levodopa and the last resort is
surgery. Levodopa medicine is absorbed by the brain cells, which turns it into a chemical
named dopamine. Dopamine is used to transmit messages from the brain to the nerves to
control the body’s overall movement. FDA has approved a new medication for Parkinson's
disease by the name of Nourianz (istradefylline). These medications delay the onset of
motor complications. Levodopa is combined with carbidopa (Lodosyn), which protects
levodopa from early conversion to dopamine outside your brain. This prevents or lessens
side effects such as nausea (Tarsy, 2012).
The case study shared details that
indicate Doug is no longer able to
1)The first example is when he had to do the disability paperwork. He used to get frustrated
and confused while filling in the information in the forms. He could not find the information

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1 SOC313 - WEEK 2 ASSIGNMENT PDR - 878696 ENTER YOUR NAME IN THE BOX ABOVE Parkinson’s Disease Case Study INSTRUCTIONS: You should review Chapters 1, 2 & 9 before completing the template. Details are required for each section. If you include enough detail for each section, the template portion of the final document will be at least five double-spaced pages in length, which meets the paper length requirements. Include APA citations within the Response column where appropriate. You must use a minimum of three scholarly resources within the assignment. List your references in APA format on the last row of this template. All citations and references must be in APA style according to the Writing Center guidelines. Once you complete the template, upload the document to the Week 2 Assignment section of the course. REQUIRED ELEMENTS RESPONSE Briefly define Parkinson’s disease. 1)The person's body starts experiencing tremors, speech gets blurred, hand shivers so can’t • What physical changes occur hold anything tightly, stiffness, stooped posture, the inability of motor coordination, spur of related to the onset of the disease? anger, anxiety, and depression. • 2) Mental health issues start showing up. Which includes anxiety, hallucinations, What are the possible psychological changes with PD? depression, memory loss, dementia, and low self-confidence. • What system(s) are affected? 3) Parkinson’s Disease is a neurodegenerative disease. It causes dysfun ...
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