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Future opportunities essay

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Future Opportunities Essay
The ultimate goal of pursuing any career is to exceed in life financially and strengthening
emotional comfort. During this era of multiple options and excessive development in technology,
many new careers opportunities are available for young people. However, success in any
profession depends on various things. Personal aptitude and inner satisfaction are two primary
aspects that are directly related to career choice. Serving as a counselor is a choice that may not
promise huge financial or materialistic benefits, yet inner satisfaction is the crucial promise
associated with the profession. A counselor is the first help available for people suffering
mentally and psychologically. We all have many lope holes in our lives and struggling with
something in our daily routine. Failure in any stage of life can result in immense stress. The more
technology we are developing, the more our targets are getting money-oriented. A blind chase to
achieve one thing after another and the unending competition has ruined the beauty of the lie.
This is directly affecting mental health and indulging people in taking harmful drugs and cocaine
to satisfy the pleasure hormones. In such cases, the counselor is the rescuer who can help for the
well-being of the individual and society at large. Choosing a profession in counseling is a step
towards the betterment of youth.
There are several reasons to choose this career. The most important is my personal
experience. Life was not a bed f roses for me. I had lived some severe nightmares when my
marriage ended up in divorce, and I had to fight the custody case. All the stress in my personal
life ended up turning me as a drug addict. The whole addiction started when I started abusing
medication that was prescribed by my physician. The expedition didn't stop there, and I moved to
take more drugs in larger quantities and harsh effects. My whole-body system was ruined, and I
was facing the worst mental condition. My children were responsible for my prints, and none of

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my friends had any hope related to my situation. The high dosage of drugs was making me a
useless person for my family and friends. The worst thing was that I was unable to seek help and
had no clue where to go. Finally, I recovered with the help of some of my friends and started
valuing my life. My personal experience is the biggest reason to support the people who are
struggling with some inner and outer challenges.
Moreover, the epidemic changed the whole world turned everything upside down. The
economy, agriculture, international market, human health, industry, and healthcare sector have
all facing endless challenges since the COVID attacked. WHO is working hard to control the
spread of infection by educating the people, providing vaccination, testing more individuals, and
insisting on the treatment protocols (Kumar, A.,2021). Yet, there is no prediction related to the
future and the end of the pandemic. As the pandemic has directly attacked the health and
economy, many people have lost their jobs; some are battling poor health conditions while many
lost their loved ones. All this affects mental health. The lockdown has desorbed domestic life,
and more reports related to domestic violence are being observed. People are suffering from fear,
panic attacks, fear of death, fear of isolation, the societal pressure in the case of getting infected,
and the fear of getting out of basic necessities of life (see Appendix for full article). In such a
situation, the ratio of drug addiction and alcohol consumption is increasing, and through my
profession, I want to contribute my expertise for the betterment of society. The most important
thing to fight this unpredictable and contagious disease is strong willpower and counseling.
My own experience as a drug addict has also influenced my capabilities to become a
good teacher. Addiction is no doubt a narrow path which only drives you towards failure and
destruction. The person does not know how and where to seek help. Furthermore, society has
little sympathy for the addict. They are actually of no good for themselves or their family, while

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Future Opportunities Essay The ultimate goal of pursuing any career is to exceed in life financially and strengthening emotional comfort. During this era of multiple options and excessive development in technology, many new careers opportunities are available for young people. However, success in any profession depends on various things. Personal aptitude and inner satisfaction are two primary aspects that are directly related to career choice. Serving as a counselor is a choice that may not promise huge financial or materialistic benefits, yet inner satisfaction is the crucial promise associated with the profession. A counselor is the first help available for people suffering mentally and psychologically. We all have many lope holes in our lives and struggling with something in our daily routine. Failure in any stage of life can result in immense stress. The more technology we are developing, the more our targets are getting money-oriented. A blind chase to achieve one thing after another and the unending competition has ruined the beauty of the lie. This is directly affecting mental health and indulging people in taking harmful drugs and cocaine to satisfy the pleasure hormones. In such cases, the counselor is the rescuer who can help for the well-being of the individual and society at large. Choosing a profession in counseling is a step towards the betterment of youth. There are several reasons to choose this career. The most important is my personal experience. Life was n ...
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