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LDR 531 - Week 5 - DQ 1

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Is it possible to eliminate resistance to change within a work environment? Why or why not?
In my opinion, resistance to change is a hard-wired, inbred, primordial human behavioral
funcon of security and survival. An examinaon of Maslow's hierarchy of needs presents
lower level needs that, if not a#ained, would reduce human behavior to the immediate
acquision of said needs. The lack of lower level needs trigger stress as needs at the bo#om
of the hierarchy are survival necessies.
An example of this would be an employee who loses their employment. Suddenly, this
employee had fallen from the top of the hierarchy where creavity and problem-solving
have created self-actualizaon and life ful(llment. Said individual falls past con(dence and
self-esteem; falls past friendship and camaraderie with fellow workers; falls past security of
family and employment; said employee falls down to the lowest realm of the hierarchy -
quesoning the sustainability of food, shelter, and survival.
Stress from the possibility of losing one's posion and then groveling for food to feed one's
family is a very real fear. In the past seniority, or past performance, could be relied upon to
provide some security to help an individual be more acceptant of change. In today's business
environment nobody's job is safe. Therefore, change is (rst viewed as a threat to one's
connued ability to survive.

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Is it possible to eliminate resistance to change within a work environment? Why or why not? In my opinion, resistance to change is a hard-wired, inbred, primordial human behavioral function of security and survival. An examination of Maslow's hierarchy of needs presents lower level needs that, if n ...
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