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Patriotism And Nationalism

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Miami Dade College
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Patriotism and Nationalism by Donald Kogan
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A Brief Introduction
Donald Kogan, an ancient Greece scholar of classics, defined patriotism as being
loyal and devoted to one's country while nationalism is the rigid support to one's country's
development status. Patriotism and nationalism show how one is dedicated and devoted to their
homeland in comparison to the love of other countries. The two differ in that while patriotism is
more of showing love, nationalism is more of conflict and rivalry. It is easy to spot patriotism
and nationalism, but it becomes hectic, especially in a time of national threat, more so when a
manipulative politician seeks to erase them. For instance, during the Second World War by
Herman Goring, a Nazi military leader. What an easy way to drag a resistant population to war is
to inform them they are being attacked and proclaim the peace lovers of their lack of patriotism,
which brings danger to the country. In terms of attitude, patriotic can tolerate criticism, while
nationalists cannot.
Patriotism and Nationalism
Kogan tries to illustrate on patriotism and nationalism. A good example is how
the United States Congress requested the designation of Patriot Day as a national day to
remember the killings of thousands of innocent citizens in two American cities by International
terrorists, but guess what? The reaction of most Americans was in two ways; some especially the
powerful supported the government's move to eradicate terrorism by demolishing all
organizations that gave refuge or supported terrorists and denoting all leaders associated with
terrorists unless they dessert those practices. Most Americans, however, showed a new sense of
everlasting love to their country compared to the past.
Patriotism exists more in free countries like America than in dictatorship form of
governed countries. Dictated citizens have no right to commitment because of a lack of moral

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1 Running head: PATRIOTISM AND NATIONALISM BY DONALD KOGAN Patriotism and Nationalism by Donald Kogan Name: Institution: Course Code: PATRIOTISM AND NATIONALISM BY DONALD KOGAN 2 A Brief Introduction Donald Kogan, an ancient Greece scholar of classics, defined patriotism as being loyal and devoted to one's country while nationalism is the rigid support to one's country's development status. Patriotism and nationalism show how one is dedicated and devoted to their homeland in comparison to the love of other countries. The two differ in that while patriotism is more of showing love, nationalism is more of conflict and rivalry. It is easy to spot patriotism and nationalism, but it becomes hectic, especially in a time of national threat, more so when a manipulative politician seeks to erase them. For instance, during the Second World War by Herman Goring, a Nazi military leader. What an easy way to drag a resistant population to war is to inform them they are being attacked and proclaim the peace lovers of their lack of patriotism, which brings danger to the country. In terms of attitude, patriotic can tolerate criticism, while nationalists cannot. Patriotism and Nationalism Kogan tries to illustrate on patriotism and nationalism. A good example is how the United States Congress requested the designation of Patriot Day as a national day to remember the killings of thousands of innocent citizens in two American cities by International terrorists, but guess what? The reactio ...
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