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Florida National University
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Running head: NUTRITION 1
Institutional Affiliation

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Marasmus is a form of malnutrition which arises when the body fails to get enough
energy. The shortage of energy in the body and failure of the body to get enough protein results
to the development of marasmus. This type of malnutrition is normally associated with people
who are experiencing challenges of getting food. This form of malnutrition is very rampant in
people especially those from very low social-economic background. The infants who are mainly
affected are those who are below 5 years of age (World Health Organization., 2013). Those
people suffering from marasmus their body weight decreases by about 62% of the actual body
weight of healthy person. This condition of malnutrition forces the body to adjust and adapt to
the reduced metabolism. This involves allowing the highly important body organs. Such organs
include the heart and the brain which get nourishment first before other organs are taken care off.
Marasmus usually affects a person who takes inadequate amount of energy giving food and
proteins. This condition forces the body to utilize the energy reserves in the body and this results
in muscle wasting.
Causes of Marasmus.
There are numerous causes of marasmus in human beings. Muscle wasting is a feature
associated to shortage of energy in the body, the energy source being from the proteins (In
Garcia et al., 2013). There are other cause of marasmus which include cancer and some young
children who are given restrictions on the type of diet they can consume. Neglecting of children
at certain age may also result to development of marasmus (Vanbergen et al., 2018). In countries
where there is political instability, many children suffer from marasmus since they are unable to
get enough food. Famine is a major cause of marasmus particularly in the arid and semi-arid
areas in the developing countries.

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Running head: NUTRITION 1 Nutrition Institutional Affiliation Date NUTRITION 2 Introduction Marasmus is a form of malnutrition which arises when the body fails to get enough energy. The shortage of energy in the body and failure of the body to get enough protein results to the development of marasmus. This type of malnutrition is normally associated with people who are experiencing challenges of getting food. This form of malnutrition is very rampant in people especially those from very low social-economic background. The infants who are mainly affected are those who are below 5 years of age (World Health Organization., 2013). Those people suffering from marasmus their body weight decreases by about 62% of the actual body weight of healthy person. This condition of malnutrition forces the body to adjust and adapt to the reduced metabolism. This involves allowing the highly important body organs. Such organs include the heart and the brain which get nourishment first before other organs are taken care off. Marasmus usually affects a person who takes inadequate amount of energy giving food and proteins. This condition forces the body to utilize the energy reserves in the body and this results in muscle wasting. Causes of Marasmus. There are numerous causes of marasmus in human beings. Muscle wasting is a feature associated to shortage of energy in the body, the energy source being from the proteins (In Garcia et al., 2013). There are other cause of marasmus which include ...
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