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College Essay

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College of the Canyons
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A college is essentially a tool when appropriately grasped by the individual obtaining information from
it; it can, in turn, be used towards the person’s advantage on the path to their goals. However, simply
because someone has a college degree does not guarantee that they will have a job upon graduation.
Many Americans face a dilemma when it comes to getting a higher education. The evidence that
obtaining a degree never guarantees a successful future, and a college education is far from the only
path to success, is apparent in many influential people's lives. Being successful is more than just a
degree that one might get from a college, it's up to many other factors that college may not teach.
Putting it simply, a degree is just another piece of paper stating that you did a certain level of scholastic
achievement, but what the certificate might not say is that the knowledge that was gained in the
classroom might not always translate into everyday life. Graduates don't have the right tools and are not
qualified for the expectations set for the real world. We, as Americans, are misguided by the stigma set
to receive a higher education. America is supposed to be the top elite in the world how can we let this
happen? We must fix the lack of value professors have in their teachings and correct this crisis that is
jeopardizing people's future.
Scholars in college have been on a long road towards an education, twelve or more years to be exact. All
students are faced with their fair share of obstacles on the way, some more difficult than others.
Through all this schooling and years of education, somehow, students are still confused and unprepared
for the standards of higher education. Previous education is supposed to prepare students for college
but fails to do so, leaving students confused most of the time and not knowing which way to go. With
less guidance from professors and instructors, scholars are left to take things into their own hands. The
article "Are Too Many People Going to College?" Charles Murray states that "College is seen as the open
sesame to a good job and a desirable way for adolescents to transition to adulthood." Charles Murray
talks about the crisis that is consuming the educational system. The core knowledge that we should be
teaching students should be from grades K-8. High school should teach more humanity based and social
science courses to prepare students for the real world. We are academically behind by the time we are
in college. Murray believes that a college education can do more harm than it could do good to one's
success academically. He feels that people already have the academic ability that they have learned to
make it through college and in the "real world." Murray believes that too many people are attending
Education is a vital part of our lives and the things we teach in school shape us to become who we are
outside of school. We use our knowledge everywhere we go, whether that is in solving math problems,
writing essays, speaking about music, or even talking about sports with our friends. In the article
"Hidden Intellectualism," Gerald Graff speaks about the century-old argument, which is the difference
between "book smart" and "street smart." You could either be one or the other but never both. Graff
talks about "hidden" intellectualism, and how being an intellect comes in many different forms and how
sometimes it is hidden behind street smarts AKA "hidden" intellectualism.
An example of this would be when Graff realized he had a gift when he was discussing sports with
friends. He saw that doing so brought out his intellectual side. He concluded that he was using
argumentative strategies and reasoning while speaking with them, and this was expanding and building
upon his intellectual side. Doing so brought out a side to him that had been dormant for so many years.
He realized what he was missing all along and how he was holding himself back because of the negative
stigma surrounded by being an intellect. Graff goes on to say how intellectualism is most often looked
down upon, and especially kids are called a geek or a nerd. He talks about his childhood and how kids

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A college is essentially a tool when appropriately grasped by the individual obtaining information from it; it can, in turn, be used towards the person’s advantage on the path to their goals. However, simply because someone has a college degree does not guarantee that they will have a job upon graduation. Many Americans face a dilemma when it comes to getting a higher education. The evidence that obtaining a degree never guarantees a successful future, and a college education is far from the only path to success, is apparent in many influential people's lives. Being successful is more than j ...
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Excellent resource! Really helped me get the gist of things.
