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Barrier Transfer Machine N

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Southern Illinois University Carbondale
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Barrier Transfer Machines Student’s Name Institution Date Introduction  It is also termed as the zipper machine/road zipper  It transfers concrete lane dividers  These dividers include jersey barriers  Main purpose is to reduce traffic congestion  These lanes that the machine creates are known as the zipper lanes How the machine operates…  The machine has an S-shaped tool that makes its operation efficient  The conveyor channel which is inverted is found in its undercarriage  The conveyor is used in lifting the barrier segments  It transfers the segments from their current position to the opposite side of the lane  This helps in reallocation of traffic lanes  It helps in reducing traffic congestion, mostly during the rush hours …how the machine operates  However, these barrier systems have minimum length  This length depends on the amount of barrier required  The minimum barrier is 100 feet, that is 30m  Each segment in the system, has a rubber foot to prevent friction against the road surface  It helps in significant movement of the barrier by resisting the vehicle impact the machines operates  The machine is capable of moving the barriers a distance of 1.2m to 7.3m which is equivalent to 4 to 24 feet  The machine’s speed ranges from 5 to 10 miles per hour, which is equivalent to 8 to 16 km/h  Such machines can hold 15m of barrier at once while transferring  ...
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