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Michael Sam

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ashford university
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What Michael Sam Has Taught US
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What Michael Sam Has Taught Us
First Impressions
Michael Sam has given the impression of a courageous black gay man who is willing to
stand by his sexuality irrespective of the norms of black masculinity whilst being competitive in
sports. Also, the trait of leadership can be depicted in Michael Sam's character. This is evident
from his willingness to lead as an example to other athletes who are not only black but also gay
yet still engage in sports without fear of stigmatization.
Essential Message
The most relevant message conveyed by Michael Sam is that black men are at liberty to
be recognized as gay which does not inflict their capability of being Christians. Salvation is
meant to liberate an individual from the bondage of sin and not their actual sexuality, which is
not sinful. Surprisingly, Sam together with a larger population of homosexuals can be found to
have closer relationships with God more than cynics ever wished they were.
What has society taught us regarding Michael Sam and others like him about
homosexuality and black masculinity?
The modern society still holds the belief that it is a sin to proclaim homosexuality while
individuals who believe in black masculinity feel like for a black man to announce publicly that
he is gay is an insult to their culture. Besides, it has been argued by African-American religious
individuals that God fated heterosexuality which gained a lot of support from societies across the
globe and religion today still demands that it remains unbothered. Over the years, black men
have fully acknowledged the myth of their sexual aptitude. Now, black men who turn out to be
gay seem to be threatening their most envied sexual swag; thus, leading to strong arguments
against the acceptance of homosexuality in modern society.

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Running Head: WHAT MICHAEL SAM HAS TAUGHT US What Michael Sam Has Taught US Author Institutional Affiliation 1 WHAT MICHAEL SAM HAS TAUGHT US 2 What Michael Sam Has Taught Us First Impressions Michael Sam has given the impression of a courageous black gay man who is willing to stand by his sexuality irrespective of the norms of black masculinity whilst being competitive in sports. Also, the trait of leadership can be depicted in Michael Sam's character. This is evident from his willingness to lead as an example to other athletes who are not only black but also gay yet still engage in sports without fear of stigmatization. Essential Message The most relevant message conveyed by Michael Sam is that black men are at liberty to be recognized as gay which does not inflict their capability of being Christians. Salvation is meant to liberate an individual from the bondage of sin and not their actual sexuality, which is not sinful. Surprisingly, Sam together with a larger population of homosexuals can be found to have closer relationships with God more than cynics ever wished they were. What has society taught us regarding Michael Sam and others like him about homosexuality and black ...
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