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Short Question

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Keystone High school
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Running head: SHORT QUESTION
Short Question
Name of the Student
Name of the Affiliate Institution

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Question One: The terms nature/nurture apply to many areas in psychology.
Take development, intelligence, personality and mental illness and explain the nature
and the nurture side to each area. What is the best solution to each area?
Development is how human beings change throughout their lives (Bergman &
Andersson, 2015). The way people nurture themselves to determine their development which
is also impacted by the nature of their surroundings. The best solution for this is proper
nutrition. Intelligence is determined by the nature of the people around a person. Intelligence
can be natured through a collection of information. Nature plays an essential role in building
personality. Biological or environmental factors nurture personality. The solution to this is a
person's behaviour. Mental illnesses such as depression is impacted by nature because of the
surrounding environment of the victim. The patients can be nurtured using therapy and other

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Running head: SHORT QUESTION Short Question Name of the Student Name of the Affiliate Institution Date SHORT QUESTION 2 Question One: The terms nature/nurture apply to many areas in psychology. Take development, intelligence, personality and mental illness and explain the nature and the nurture side to each area. What is the best solution to each area? Development is how human beings change throughout their lives (Bergman & Andersson, 2015). The way people nurture themselves to determine their development which is also impacted by the nature of their surroundings. The best solution for this is proper nutrition. Intelligence is determined by the nature of the people around a person. Intelligence can be natured through a collection of information. Nature plays an essential role in building personality. Biological or environmental factors nurture personality. The solution to this is a ...
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