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Biocon Company Narrative

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Running head: BIOCON INDIA GROUP 1
Biocon India Group

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Biocon India Group
Biocon Company ventured in enzymes production and later into pharmaceuticals.
Kiran Mazumdar Shaw established it in the year 1978. It was a cooperative partnership of
Biocon India and Ireland. It was remarkably growing, and in the year 1998, Biocon India
acquired by Unilever's, which was a food-producing company (Kalegaonkar, Locke, and
Lehrich, 2008).
The achievements of Biocon Indian Group were determined by both internal and
external macro and microenvironments. The fact that the government regulated the India
Patent Act (IPA), as well as the Drug Price Control Order (DPCO), was one of the strategic
choices that the company used. The India Patent Act forbidden product patents for any
products intended for use or capable of being used as a food, medicine, or drug or relating to
substances prepared or produced by chemical processes. The made it possible for drug
reproduction without retribution(Kalegaonkar, Locke, and Lehrich, 2008). The Drug Price
Control Order allowed the government to determine the prices of the drug sold to the locals.
Also, legal action was taken where there was the use of the Drug Price Control Order 1970. It
much helped in drug pricing.
Groups were Clinigene, Syngene. Syngene was a custom research company while the
Clinigene was established so that the Biocon India Group could emerge a drug discovery and
developing the company. Clinigene carried inventions on drugs and their development. The
Biocon India Group was now established to carry out research and development, produce
pharmaceuticals, and sell its products.
To accommodate this change, Biocon invested in both numerous tactics such as
giving allowances, meals, and general healthcare provisions, to the newly acquired

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Running head: BIOCON INDIA GROUP 1 Biocon India Group Name Institution Date BIOCON INDIA GROUP 1 Biocon India Group Biocon Company ventured in enzymes production and later into pharmaceuticals. Kiran Mazumdar Shaw established it in the year 1978. It was a cooperative partnership of Biocon India and Ireland. It was remarkably growing, and in the year 1998, Biocon India acquired by Unilever's, which was a food-producing company (Kalegaonkar, Locke, and Lehrich, 2008). The achievements of Biocon Indian Group were determined by both internal and external macro and microenvironments. The fact that the government regulated the India Patent Act (IPA), as well as the Drug Price Control Order (DPCO), was one of the strategic choices that the company used. The India Patent Act forbidden product patents for any products intended for use or capable of being used as a food, medicine, or drug or relating to substances prepared or produced by chemical processes. The made it possible for drug reproduction without retribution(Kalegaonkar, Locke, and Lehrich, 2008). The Drug Price Control Order allowed the government to determine the prices of the drug sold to the locals. Also, legal action was taken where there was the use of the Drug Price Control Order 1970. It much helped in drug pricing. Groups were Clinigene, Syngene. Syngene was a custom research company while the Clinigene was established so that the Biocon India Group could emerge a drug discovery and developing the company. Cli ...
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