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Deliverable 4 Ans

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Rasmussen University
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Deliverable 04 Worksheet
1. Describe the 8 steps in the process for hypothesis testing. Explain the decision criteria for
rejecting the null hypothesis for both the p-value method and the critical value method.
Answer and Explanation:
8 steps of Hypothesis testing
1. Formulate the research question
First we need to identify that what we are going to test. It’s given in the question as a
2. Check whether required assumptions are met
Eg: Normally distributed, simple random sampling is used.
3. State null and alternative hypothesis
Alternative hypothesis is always describe the thing what we need to test. Null hypothesis is
the opposition of that.
4. Set a significant level
This is given as data. Significant level is the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis
when null hypothesis is correct.
5. Calculate the test statistics
After you deciding the test you are going to do, we need to calculate the z or t test
6. Find the p-value
P value for calculated test statistics can be found using online calculators or proven
7. Rejection of null hypothesis
Decide we have to reject the null hypothesis or not according to the p value or critical
8. Conclusion
After deciding the rejection, finally we can end up with a conclusion. It’s the final result of
the hypothesis test

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The remaining problems refer to the following scenario:
A claim is made that the average salary for all jobs in Minnesota is less than $75,000. You
are going to test the claim using  and assume that your data is normally
distributed and the population standard deviation
is not known.
2. Write the null and alternative hypotheses symbolically and identify which hypothesis is the
claim. Then identify if the test is left-tailed, right-tailed, or two-tailed and explain why.
Answer and Explanation:
3. Identify and explain which test statistic you will use for your hypothesis test: z or t? Find
the value of the test statistic.
Answer and Explanation:
Rejection criteria
P value
If the p value is less than 0.05, null hypothesis should be rejected
Critical value
If the calculated test statistic value lies in the critical region, null hypothesis
should b rejected.
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The test is left tailed test as sample statistic is less than the hypothesized statistic
We can use the z test for this test. T test is used when the sample size is less
than 30. Sample size is 364 here. We can use the sample standard deviation for
the population standard deviation.
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Deliverable 04 Worksheet 1. Describe the 8 steps in the process for hypothesis testing. Explain the decision criteria for rejecting the null hypothesis for both the p-value method and the critical value method. Answer and Explanation: 8 steps of Hypothesis testing 1. Formulate the research question First we need to identify that what we are going to test. It’s given in the question as a statement. 2. Check whether required assumptions are met Eg: Normally distributed, simple random sampling is used. 3. State null and alternative hypothesis Alternative hypothesis is always describe the thing what we need to test. Null hypothesis is the opposition of that. 4. Set a significant level This is given as data. Significant level is the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when null hypothesis is correct. 5. Calculate the test statistics After you deciding the test you are going to do, ...
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