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E Cigarettes

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Electronic cigarettes, also known as e-cigarettes, are battery-powered vaporizers that
mimic the act of smoking while eliminating the many harmful effects of indulging on a common-
place tobacco cigarette. In the case of e-cigarettes, the user inhales aerosol, also called vapor,
and, hence, limits the negative effects that may occur to the user, people surrounding the user,
and the environment in general. Although the health benefits or risks are still uncertain, many
people are switching to the use of e-cigarettes as a healthier alternative and a step towards ending
a bad habit. This is good, in my opinion, as the further use of products such as e-cigarettes
exemplifies the growing role of technology and the benefits that it gives to the world. E-
cigarettes are considered to be controversial, but their establishment can serve as a way to honor
what technology can provide while also increasing discussions for even better solutions among
the organizations, stakeholders, government officials, and the community as a whole.
As mentioned above, e-cigarettes are not always looked upon favorably and cause many
debates among people concerning their benefits and drawbacks. Many people believe the product
to be a useful alternative that is far healthier than smoke from a tobacco cigarette, which has
been proven to cause damage to the user, the user’s close friends or family members, and the
environment. However, there are some cases in which people argue that e-cigarettes are
equivalent to “gateway drugs” that lead to the abuse of other substances such as marijuana.
Organizations, however, tend to place the focus on the good aspects of e-cigarettes, particularly
when it comes to advertising. An organization wishes to sell its product, and the people with
such organizations are incentivized to play up the good aspects of their product as much as
possible. However, this is not to say that organizations, particularly those that sell e-cigarettes,
are evil. I firmly believe that organizations and the people within them truly want to create the
best possible product to sell to their clients. This is especially so if the customers are demanding

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a certain aspect to add to or take away from a product. The goal of an organization is to make
money, but that only works if there are people willing to buy the product, making it within the
organization’s interest to provide the best possible services.
Stakeholders act in a similar way to the organization, as it would be the stakeholders that
ultimately run the organization. Discussion based around the topic of e-cigarettes should mainly
focus on their profitability, and it just so happens that the preferences of the people change over
time. Any successful company must be able to pivot if necessary, particularly if new information
regarding the health implications of the products they are selling turn out to be negative. This
may very well be the case with e-cigarettes, but the results are inconclusive.
It is important to point out at this point that the stakeholders and the organizations do not
make choices for the user. In fact, the user has full autonomy in whether or not he or she decides
to buy and use e-cigarettes. The same idea applies in the case of other drugs, such as marajuana,
as well. The stakeholders and the organizations are merely providing product to a public that
demands it. If they were to try and trick the public, stakeholders would not only be doing a
disservice to their customers, but also to themselves. Any kind of lying, cheating, or stealing
harms all parties involved in the process of manufacturing and selling products such as e-
cigarettes. However, if there is a chance that the product may have certain unfavorable
component, it would be in the interest of the stakeholder to invest in research surrounding their
product. Doing so will only increase their ability to create an even better product that could
potentially make them more money.
In regards to government officials, the idea scenario would not have them involved at all.
Transactions of e-cigarettes and other similar products should only exist between the buyer and
the creator. With that being said, there is no need for the government to insert itself as a middle

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Electronic cigarettes, also known as e-cigarettes, are battery-powered vaporizers that mimic the act of smoking while eliminating the many harmful effects of indulging on a commonplace tobacco cigarette. In the case of e-cigarettes, the user inhales aerosol, also called vapor, and, hence, limits the negative effects that may occur to the user, people surrounding the user, and the environment in general. Although the health benefits or risks are still uncertain, many people are switching to the use of e-cigarettes as a healthier alternative and a step towards ending a bad habit. This is good, in my opinion, as the further use of products such as e-cigarettes exemplifies the growing role of technology and the benefits that it gives to the world. Ecigarettes are considered to be controversial, but their establishment can serve as a way to honor what technology can provide while also increasing discussions for even better solutions among the organizations, stakeholders, government officials, and the community as a whole. As mentioned above, e-cigarettes are not always looked upon favorably and cause many debates among people concerning their benefits and drawbacks. Many people believe ...
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