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University of St La Salle College of Nursing NCM 202- Fluids & Electrolytes Prepared by: Ms. Debbie F. Tejam, RN,MN g Parts : 2. Renal Nedulla RENAL SYSTEM Functions of Kidneys 1. Urine formation Urinary cortex 2. Regulate acid base balance 3. Excrete waste products 3. Renal pelvis 4. Secretion õ renin $ erythropoietin (formation 7 RBC) Ő 5. Maintain homeostasis of the blood Nephrons 6. Control fluid and electrolyte balance - functional unit o 7. Control blood pressure the kidney,1M in each kidney. Bladder - storage ô vrine ; reservoir ö unite ; 1. ureterovesical sphincter- prevent the back flow o urine Bromerulus 2. capacity: 300 - 500 mL 7 urine .Lope Henry 150-250 mL micturation is felt Collecting Urethra - tube that conducts the urine from the bladder to the exterior tubules Comen Capules 1. conduit during urination 2. Male ( 24 cm ): Female ( 4 cm Proximal Conwisted ( ) tuovies Distal Urine production 1. As fluid flows through the proximal tubules, H20 and solutes are reabsorbed 2. H20 and solutes that are not reabsorbed become urine Parts o Nephrons Urine is composed by: Vitamin . Urine Formation: Glomervar GFR Filtration Rate 1. Glomerular filtration involves filtration 7 plasma by the glomerulus • Drug . ...
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