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What motivated the europeans to explore their world

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Christopher Columbus, backed by the Spanish authorities, went out in 1492 to find a new route
to Asia when he inadvertently stumbled across "new" lands in the Americas, which were really
inhabited by long-established societies and civilizations that had been there for thousands of
years. Later, other European countries followed suit, conducting explorations and incursions into
what is now the United States. A voyage by Jacques Cartier on behalf of the French government
led him to the present-day country of Canada, where they established the colony of New France
and expanded the fur trade while also improving ties with many of the natives. The Spanish
conquistadors conquered Central and South America in quest of gold, and they ended up
destroying the great Aztec and Inca empires in the process of capturing it. As a consequence of
the invaders' encounters with indigenous people, the course of New World discovery was altered
dramatically, resulting in massive indigenous population losses from both brutality and disease.
Spanish Empire - unbeatable
The Spanish conquistadors kicked off the colony development of the Spanish Empire, which was
thereafter carried on by Spanish monarchy authorities and preachers. Exports and the spreading
of Christianity among the indigenous population propelled colonial development.
On Columbus' second voyage, a Spanish conqueror named Juan Ponce de Leon made his way
into the Americas. He was elected governor of Puerto Rico for the first time in 1509. Spain
refused to allow the death of Christopher Columbus' son, who had committed atrocities against
indigenous Caribbean persons like his father, to succeed him. Consequently, the governorships
were handed up to the country's new Spanish rulers. Leon named a peninsula off the coastline of

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North America after himself and sent a colonial expedition to explore it. He called the area
Florida. He was only in the country for a brief time before he was killed in Cuba by American
Indian soldiers.
When the Spanish conquistadors invaded North America in 1565, they assaulted the French
colony of Fort Caroline. Even after 200 French Huguenot immigrants had surrendered to Spain's
superior forces, the Spanish navy had overwhelmed and murdered them. St. Augustine was built
as a fortress by the Spanish to keep the Huguenots out of the area. St. Augustine, Florida is home
to the oldest continuously inhabited European settlement in the Americas, dating back to the 15th
On August 3, 1492, Columbus sailed from Palos, Spain, in three tiny ships crewed by Spaniards.
He headed west from the Canaries, relying on globes and charts he trusted to convince him that
Japan was at the same latitude as him. Columbus calculated that if he missed Japan, his route
would only take him a few more miles to the shore of mainland China. European nations'
discovery and colonization of the New World were motivated by three factors: religion, money,
and glory. Europe's quest for a new maritime route to Asia coincided with its desire for
knowledge, Christian propagation, wealth and glory. They also desired spices during the Age of
Discovery. Christopher Columbus made four voyages from Spain to the New World, the first in
1492, the second in 1498, and the third in 1502. He was passionate about discovering a maritime
route that connected Europe and Asia, but he never did. The Americas were his prize instead.
Seafaring explorers were aided financially by European monarchs and princes like as Ferdinand
of Spain and Henry the Navigator of Portugal. They also intended to explore new trade routes in
order to find fresh sources of gold, silver, and other valuable metals. Exploration was also seen
as a way for Europe to preach Christianity to those residing in other nations.

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WHAT MOTIVATED THE EUROPEANS TO EXPLORE THEIR WORLD (NEW AMERICA)? Christopher Columbus, backed by the Spanish authorities, went out in 1492 to find a new route to Asia when he inadvertently stumbled across "new" lands in the Americas, which were really inhabited by long-established societies and civilizations that had been there for thousands of years. Later, other European countries followed suit, conducting explorations and incursions into what is now the United States. A voyage by Jacques Cartier on behalf of the French government led him to the present-day country of Canada, where they established the colony of New France and expanded the fur trade while also improving ties with many of the natives. The Spanish conquistadors conquered Central and South America in quest of gold, and they ended up destroying the great Aztec and Inca empires in the process of capturing it. As a consequ ...
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