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GLY 108 – Plate Tectonics: The Active Earth Lab 8: Virtual Field Trip Today’s virtual field trip takes us to Crown Butte, Montana! (Figure modified after Rod Benson) Go to the website below: Answer the following questions, on each page: Page 1 1) Which laccolith did western artist C.M. Russell include on some of his paintings? Western artist C.M. Russell includes Square Butte in Montana, USA on some of his paintings. Reference: Rod Benson, Earth Science Teacher, Helena High School, 2013. Page 2 2) In which part of the state are laccoliths common? Laccoliths are common in the Pine Valley Mountain Wilderness area near St. George, Utah. 3) What is the purpose of the diagrams shown on this page? The diagram's main purpose on this page is to help identify relationships that are not easily recognizable in terms of places and sizes. 4) Laccoliths are a type of “plutonic” (a.k.a. intrusive) formation. What does this mean? Intrusive igneous rock is formed when magma cools and solidifies within small pockets contained within the planet's crust, which means magmatic system can be observed around this formation. 5) Laccoliths are formed beneath the surface. Explain why they now stand above the surrounding prairie? Laccoliths tend to form at relatively shallow depths and in some cases are formed by relatively viscous magmas, which causes the surface rock above laccoliths often erodes away completely, leaving the core mound of igneous rock or sta ...
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