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Media Concepts.edited

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Aspen University
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Media teaching examples.
Media has been popularly used in different institutions of learning to enhance learning
and teaching. Media is used in student's projects, active teaching and learning strategies, and
direct instructions. Lecturers use media to stimulate interest in the subject being taught and
develop more knowledge about the lesson they are teaching. Media teaching can either be visual
or audio. Audio media can be in the form of recording, radio education, and use of compact discs
or even telephones. Visual media involves televisions, movies, visual records, and computer
technologies (Joyce, Weil & Calhoun, 2009).
For example, in a communication lesson where presentation is highly involved, both
audio recording and video modes of media should be of much use. The video helps channel
information effectively from the source to the receiver. The video attracts the attention and
interests of the student in that what they are hearing; they practically see it either on the
computer or television. The video also gives more clarity in the ideas being presented. In
communication class, the students are more involved, so they are also expected to present their
assignments in either audio or visual form for better understanding. Another factor that makes
videos more effective is it embellishes and illustrated facts that the students may easily forget if
not visualized. Some students understand a subject more if it is demonstrated in a video or
pictures (McTighe & Wiggins, 2013).
Audio recording on the other is essential in communication class. First, when a lesson is
presented in an audio form, the students will be able to recall the content more quickly in the
future. Audio recording also enhances and stimulates brain activity. Audio media also is

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Running head: MEDIA 1 Media Author’s name Institutional Affiliation MEDIA 2 Media teaching examples. Media has been popularly used in different institutions of learning to enhance learning and teaching. Media is used in student's projects, active teaching and learning strategies, and direct instructions. Lecturers use media to stimulate interest in the subject being taught and develop more knowledge about the lesson they are teaching. Media teaching can either be visual or audio. Audio media can be in the form of recording, radio education, and use of compact discs or even telephones. Visual media involves televisions, movies, visual records, and computer technologies (Joyce, Weil & Calhoun, 2009). For example, in a communication lesson where presentation is highly involved, both audio recording and video modes of media should be of much use. The video helps channel information effectively from the source to the receiver. The video attracts the attention and interests of the student in that what they are hearing; they practically see it either on the computer or television. The video also gives more clarity in the ideas being presented. In communication class, the students ...
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