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Being an American

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Mr. Haberstroh
ENGL 251
13 October 2016
Word Count:
The American Distinctiveness
As an American, it means more than becoming a citizen in America or just living in the United
States of America. America cannot be regarded as perfect. Nevertheless, it is among the rare
countries that have rights granted to individuals of distinct gender as well as different diversities.
The American people live on the solid foundation that was established by prominent people such
as George Washington. The individuals in America have the accountability to be the best version
of themselves while living there. In addition, these individuals have a responsibility to keep the
community running in the right way. America is run completely by the individuals inside it. This
write-up clearly explains and elaborates the freedom, rights, diversity, and culture that comes
with being an American.
There is an American distinctiveness that is derived from the positive situations of America. This
experience is best demonstrated by individuals like Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King. It
is unequaled in the experiences of humans however it is wholly human in its objectives. People
not born in America can also claim it. The majority of the people born in foreign lands manifest
it better as opposed to those who are inherently born.
Among the most popular facts about America is freedom. Freedom is having to do whatever
you want as well as making choices for yourself,” (Leslie). Individuals are given the freedom of
choice. The individuals living in America are given something that not every individual gets. The

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people are awarded an opportunity to make it in life and also one to survive which not many
people in other countries get. Living in America has a lot to offer to individuals. Among the most
essential rights that the country offers to the Americans is the opportunity to become themselves
and to live in an area where petty wars do not take place between communities or even between
states. The United States gives Americans an opportunity to be fed. A majority of the people
living in the United States are not subjected to starvation. Instead, America has the most
powerful economy in the entire globe. America offers so much to the individuals living there. It
is among the best nations in the whole world.
Being an American means that one has the right to vote. Sotelo says being an American means
believing in a shared and unifying ideal of democracy lived out day to day in a particular place
called the United States of America.” Voting is seen as a usual thing in America. However,
having the ability to vote means being able to express one's opinions by electing a leader who an
individual thinks is fit to run a multitude of people (Sotelo). Being able to choose who the people
want makes the country be a democracy. This is crucial because each person gets to have a say
on who they can trust (Leslie).
The freedom that comes with being an American gives the people a chance to be and act
independently hence this demonstrates self-sufficiency. Regardless of who an individual is, what
they do, or how an individual lives, they have rights. These rights are usually meant to safeguard
an individual. In America, all people have the right to acquire a great education and choose the
career that best suits them.
Americans have the freedom to choose how they want to live their lives without the government
interfering with this. In America, the people have the freedom of speech as well as freedom of
religion whereas in many parts of the globe, the freedom of speech and religion is highly

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Last Name 1 Name Mr. Haberstroh ENGL 251 13 October 2016 Word Count: The American Distinctiveness As an American, it means more than becoming a citizen in America or just living in the United States of America. America cannot be regarded as perfect. Nevertheless, it is among the rare countries that have rights granted to individuals of distinct gender as well as different diversities. The American people live on the solid foundation that was established by prominent people such as George Washington. The individuals in America have the accountability to be the best version of themselves while living there. In addition, these individuals have a responsibility to keep the community running in the right way. America is run completely by the individuals inside it. This write-up clearly explains and elaborates the freedom, rights, diversity, and culture that comes with being an American. There is an American distinctiveness that is derived from the positive situations of America. This experience is best demonstrated by individuals like Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King. It is unequaled in the experiences of humans however it is wholly human in its objectives. People not born in America can also claim it. The majority of the people born in foreign lands manifest it better as opposed to those who are inherently born. Among the most popular facts about America is freedom. “Freedom is having to do whatever you want as well as making choices for yourself,” (Leslie). Individuals ...
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