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Mental Health Disparities

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Mental Health Disparities

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Mental Health Disparities
Mental health disparities are complex and challenging problems that have evolved into
many determinants on both the individual and population levels. Policy programs and state-wide
programs have put forth many efforts in mitigating the challenges that have risen towards the
disparities that exist among those who are mentally ill. Such representations have challenged the
government because of the vast definitions that exist concerning mental health when it pertains
to policy and service areas. Generally, such policies are often resisted as possible solutions being
offered because of the individual approach that mental health care services and policies take on
(Miller, Bazzi, Allen, 2017). However, entities on the federal and state levels have collaborated
to address the mental health disparities despite the varying perspectives, variations in definitions,
models of research, and the approaches thus far that have been taken to mitigate the challenges
of disparities.
Mental Health Disparities and Social Work Values/Ethics
Throughout the 20
century, social work has become a widely integrated component of
the United States health care system (McGuire & Miranda, 2008). Social work has continuously
evolved in leadership roles concerning psychosocial aspects that concern the elements of the
healthcare system involving mental health patients. Social workers are present in all settings
today and such presence includes prevention and public health, primary and acute care, specialty
care, and mental health care. An integral element of social workers is making a commitment to
the well-being of populations while focusing on the challenges of health care inequality that
exists. Ethical standards and values articulates the essential knowledge and skills that clinical
social workers must possess to be competent. Ethical services in today’s healthcare provides the
benchmarks needed for quality care to be given to those who have mental disorders. Such

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Running head: MENTAL HEALTH DISPARITIES Mental Health Disparities Instructor Class Date Name 1 MENTAL HEALTH DISPARITIES 2 Mental Health Disparities Mental health disparities are complex and challenging problems that have evolved into many determinants on both the individual and population levels. Policy programs and state-wide programs have put forth many efforts in mitigating the challenges that have risen towards the disparities that exist among those who are mentally ill. Such representations have challenged the government because of the vast definitions that exist concerning mental health when it pertains to policy and service areas. Generally, such policies are often resisted as possible solutions being offered because of the individual approach that mental health care services and policies take on (Miller, Bazzi, Allen, 2017). However, entities on the federal and state levels have collaborated to address the mental health disparities despite the varying perspectives, variations in definitions, models of research, and the approaches thus far that have been taken to mitigate the challenges of disparities. Mental Health Disparities and Social Work Values/Ethics Throughout the 20th century, social work has become a widely integrated component of the United States health care system (McGuire & Miranda, 2008). Social work has continuously evolved in leadership roles concerning psychosocial aspects that concern the elements of the healthcare system involving mental heal ...
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