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Sociology Review Questions

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Sociology Review Questions
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Sociology Review Questions
1. According to Durkheim, there is a difference between mechanical and organic solidarity
based on the following reasoning perspectives: Mechanical solidarity refers to the
connection between people, cohorts and close individuals due to the similarity of the
things they do such as occupation, similar ways of thinking and apprehension in the old
society. On the other hand, organic solidarity refers to cohesion and integration of
individuals in contemporary society which is inspired by the things which they do
differently in order to coexist and support one another. An engineering firm may
manufacture tractors that farmers use in their daily operations. In this case, the
engineering firm and the farmers are connected in a single mission of improvement of
agriculture through automation.
2. Karl Marx critiqued the idea of capitalism based on the fundamental approaches to the
work process whereby he believed that the concept will come to an end one day when the
oppressed will down their tools and revolt against the capitalists (bourgeoisie). With the
realization of their human rights, the peasants will fail to work and the capitalists will
have a difficult time following the counteraction of the peasants who had loyally served
them before and this will result in socialism whereby the wealth and means of production
will be owned communally. Capitalism is a big promoter of inequality in society since
the oppressed are not allowed to own anything while the means of production are owned
and run by a few people in the economy. The monopoly of the rich creates a sort of
inequality which is not recommended in the society.
3. For debate on the recent school shootings in Parkland, FL, structural functionalism is the
best concept that can be drawn from the same. Structural functionalism has a belief that

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Running head: SOCIOLOGY REVIEW QUESTIONS Sociology Review Questions Details Name Institutional Affiliation Date 1 SOCIOLOGY REVIEW QUESTIONS 2 Sociology Review Questions 1. According to Durkheim, there is a difference between mechanical and organic solidarity based on the following reasoning perspectives: Mechanical solidarity refers to the connection between people, cohorts and close individuals due to the similarity of the things they do such as occupation, similar ways of thinking and apprehension in the old society. On the other hand, organic solidarity refers to cohesion and integration of individuals in contemporary society which is inspired by the things which they do differently in order to coexist and support one another. An engineering firm may manufacture tractors that farmers use in their daily operations. In this case, the engineering firm and the farmers are connected in a single mission of improvement of agriculture through automation. 2. Karl Marx critiqued the idea of capitalism based on the fundamental approaches to the work process whereby he believed that the concept will come to an end one day when the oppressed will down their tools and revolt against the capitalists (bourgeoisie). With the realization of their human rights, the peasants will fail to work and the capitalists will have a difficult time following the counteraction of the peasants who had loyally served them before and this will result in socialism whereby the wealth and means of prod ...
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Just what I was looking for! Super helpful.


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