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Accounting Discussion Responses

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Walden University
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Running head: RESPONSES 1
Accounting Discussion Responses
Student’s Name
Institution Affiliation

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Response 1
Hello Michelle Lutostanski, I have read your post, and I will provide some insights and
contrasting observations towards managerial and financial accounting. Financial accounting helps
all the processes in the business system to have a track of all its financial statements. While
managerial accounting takes care of several aspects in the business sector, like operating the cost
controls, taxes, revenues, and many more (Zimmerman, 2017). Financial investments indeed look
at how their investments are doing in the business system. Moreover, financial accounting decides
the progress of the business system through corporate governance. The type of decision that can
be made includes recruiting other company officials in instances of low performance.
Based on my experience, my company uses financial accounting to analyze the finance
available in the company, and hence this helps in generating the financial report. Moreover, it helps
to make financial plans which are organized in the company. It means that the use of financial
accounting is essential in every organization, and failure to it presents risks like having
miscalculated profits because of failure in financial record keeping. In terms of managerial
accounting, our company uses the concept of determining profit or loss in the company. Thus,
financial data is used in making changes in the organization hence providing substantial reports.
Moreover, they review profit and loss statement considering sales done in the company. It presents
a significant risk when managerial accounting is not used in the company as the company cannot
know when it’s making losses or profits.
Considering the points, you have presented, financial and managerial accounting are indeed
an essential aspect of companies. Using the concepts, it is true that companies' decisions are
improved in one way or another. It is also true that there associated risks if financial and managerial
accounting are not used in the companies.

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Running head: RESPONSES 1 Accounting Discussion Responses Student’s Name Institution Affiliation Course RESPONSES 2 Response 1 Hello Michelle Lutostanski, I have read your post, and I will provide some insights and contrasting observations towards managerial and financial accounting. Financial accounting helps all the processes in the business system to have a track of all its financial statements. While managerial accounting takes care of several aspects in the business sector, like operating the cost controls, taxes, revenues, and many more (Zimmerman, 2017). Financial investments indeed look at how their investments are doing in the business system. Moreover, financial accounting decides the progress of the business system through corporate governance. The type of decision that can be made includes recruiting other company officials in instances of low performance. Based on my experience, my company uses financial accounting to analyze the finance available in the company, and hence this helps in generating the financial report. Moreover, it helps to make financial plans which are organized in the company. It means that the use of financial accounting is essential in eve ...
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