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Faith And Reason

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Running Head: FAITH AND REASON 1
Faith and Reason
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Faith and Reason
Based on using the conflict model, there are the extremes people encounter when people
reject the balance connecting faith to reason. According to Pritchard (2017), when conflict model
is applied, there are major extremes that arise to separate faith and rationality. The first extreme
is prejudice. Prejudice leads to those who support faith and reason can co-exist to despise those
who support faith, and reason cannot co-exist. Also, vice versa happens. One way it happens is
when religious fundamentalists despise the scientific naturalists due to their use of science to
downplay religious beliefs. Coyne (2016) argues that scientific naturalists may despise the
religious fundamentalists who indoctrinate believers to avoid the scientific methods that are of
use to them, such as those that foster health and wellbeing. For example, Catholics do not
practice family planning using contraceptives. Consequently, when medical scientists advocate
the use of contraceptives, there is a rivalry that brings about conflict and hatred between the
staunch Catholics and medical scientists who advocate the artificial family planning. Another
extreme that may come about is intolerance. When intolerance happens, some get persecuted for
their refusal to conform to the co-relation between faith and reason. According to Kinnaman &
Lyons (2016), it takes little time for intolerance to bring about persecution, especially where
religious beliefs are considered immune to any critique based on reasoning. For instance, atheists
who use lack of evidence entailing the existence of God may confront the religious beliefs of
Christians and as a result, they end up getting excommunicated in communities where people are
pro-Christians. It may lead to limited access to social amenities that are owned by Christians. As
a result, an atheist may be ousted from the community as a mode of punishment for questioning
the authority of God. Therefore, discrimination may come about where a certain religion has its
members forcing others to accept their beliefs.

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Running Head: FAITH AND REASON 1 Faith and Reason Student Name Institutional Affiliation FAITH AND REASON 2 Faith and Reason Based on using the conflict model, there are the extremes people encounter when people reject the balance connecting faith to reason. According to Pritchard (2017), when conflict model is applied, there are major extremes that arise to separate faith and rationality. The first extreme is prejudice. Prejudice leads to those who support faith and reason can co-exist to despise those who support faith, and reason cannot co-exist. Also, vice versa happens. One way it happens is when religious fundamentalists despise the scientific naturalists due to their use of science to downplay religious beliefs. Coyne (2016) argues that scientific naturalists may despise the religious fundamentalists who indoctrinate believers to avoid the scientific methods that are of use ...
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