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Kraft S Case Study

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University of North Alabama
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Running head: KRAFT’S CASE STUDY 1
Kraft’s Case Study
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Kraft’s Case Study
The business environment in contemporary society is characterized by many challenges
that companies have to deal with, with the most significant one being competition (Gani,
Gitaharie, Husodo, & Kuncoro, 2017). The production of similar goods and services by different
companies offers the consumers more bargaining power and the liberty to shift from one brand to
another because the supply exceeds demands. Therefore, companies usually resort to making
customer satisfaction their primary objective to increase their customers’ loyalty, while also
attracting others (Lim, Tuli, & Grewal, 2019). This measure is often accompanied by many
strategies by the companies based on the prevalent factors at a specific time. However, the
change of strategy is often subject to the consumers’ reception, which means that they can either
succeed or backfire. This paper, therefore, analyzes a case study by evaluating how Kraft’s
strategy could have backfired and how the company might have prepared for the possibility.
Additionally, it also discusses how the company can respond to demographic, cultural, and
sustainability trends.
How Kraft’s Strategy could have backfired
One of the most significant factors that determine the success of business in the present-
day world is consumers’ trust (Iglesias, Markovic, Bagherzadeh, & Singh, 2018). Studies have
revealed that most consumers will always associate with the companies that they deem
trustworthy regardless of other factors like prices. One of the ways of gaining this trust is
through involving them in the companies’ affairs, more so when deciding matters that directly
concern them. Therefore, by keeping the consumers in the dark about the changes that they were
making to the products, one of the ways through which the Kraft’s strategy would have backfired

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Running head: KRAFT’S CASE STUDY Kraft’s Case Study Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation 1 KRAFT’S CASE STUDY 2 Kraft’s Case Study The business environment in contemporary society is characterized by many challenges that companies have to deal with, with the most significant one being competition (Gani, Gitaharie, Husodo, & Kuncoro, 2017). The production of similar goods and services by different companies offers the consumers more bargaining power and the liberty to shift from one brand to another because the supply exceeds demands. Therefore, companies usually resort to making customer satisfaction their primary objective to increase their customers’ loyalty, while also attracting others (Lim, Tuli, & Grewal, 2019). This measure is often accompanied by many strategies by the companies based on the prevalent factors at a specific time. However, the change of strategy is often subject to the consumers’ reception, which means that they can either succeed or backfire. This paper, therefore, analyzes a case study by evaluating how Kraft’s strategy could have backfired and how the company might have prepared for the possibility. Additionally, it also discusses how the company can respond to demographic, cultural, and sustainability trends. How Kraft’s Strategy could have backfired One of the most significant factors that determine the success of business in the presentday world is consumers’ trust (Iglesias, Markovic, Bagherzadeh, & Singh, 2018). Stu ...
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