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Business Intelligence Case Study And Questions

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Business Intelligence Case Study and Questions
End of Chapter 1 Application Case Questions
1. Why did Nationwide need an enterprise -wide data warehouse?
The essence of the enterprise-wide data warehouse was to address the information
duplication and redundancy created by Nationwide’s lack of a uniform data processing
environment in its different business units. The complexities in handling data as well as
associated costs grew into sharp focus especially when dealing with mergers and acquisitions.
2. How did integrated data drive the business value?
The integration of data at Nationwide enhanced business value by providing crucial
insights into both processes and customer needs. For example, the introduction of analytics
competencies facilitated the development of personalized marketing campaigns based on
relevant customer data such as a home purchase. Personalized campaigns improved marketing
effectiveness and customer satisfaction.
3. What forms of analytics are employed at Nationwide?
Descriptive and predictive analytics are the most predominantly employed forms at
Nationwide. To start with, Nationwide’s Financial Performance Management initiative is an
example of descriptive or reporting analytics designed to provide a detailed snapshot of trends
through a range of visualization applications. In the case of Nationwide, the Financial
Performance Management replaced the fragmented and time consuming financial reporting
environment. Nationwide also employs predictive analytics in the form of applications driven by
statistical techniques that facilitate among other things the classification of data. For example,

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Nationwide 's Customer Knowledge Store (CKS) combining customer, product, and externally
acquired data formed the basis for a behavioral analytics initiative driving proactive targeted
marketing campaigns.
4. With integrated data available in an enterprise data warehouse, what other applications
could Nationwide potentially develop?
Given the vast information capabilities that Nationwide possesses, there is an opportunity
to develop prescriptive analytics applications such as decision-making simulations. The possible
applications for this form of prescriptive analytics would be in multi-objective decision-making
that could potentially be offered as consultative business-to-business solutions.
Ideas to improve Process Flows
The case of Nationwide is no doubt an accurate portrayal of the extent to which
contemporary businesses are reorganizing the management of data to capitalize on data
interaction and real time data analysis. Nonetheless, the case leaves out the importance of
customer involvement in the process of decision making. Business intelligence and analytics
provide organizations with a convenient virtual meeting point with their customers. A
combination of customer relationship management and business intelligence applications can be
used to enhance the organization’s understanding of the customer and ultimately aide in making
informed sales decisions (Athanasoulias & Chountalas, 2019).
End of Chapter 2 Application Case Questions
1. Explain why solving the empty container logistics problem contributes to cost savings for

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Business Intelligence Case Study and Questions End of Chapter 1 Application Case Questions 1. Why did Nationwide need an enterprise -wide data warehouse? The essence of the enterprise-wide data warehouse was to address the information duplication and redundancy created by Nationwide’s lack of a uniform data processing environment in its different business units. The complexities in handling data as well as associated costs grew into sharp focus especially when dealing with mergers and acquisitions. 2. How did integrated data drive the business value? The integration of data at Nationwide enhanced business value by providing crucial insights into both processes and customer needs. For example, the introduction of analytics competencies facilitated the development of personalized marketing campaigns based on relevant customer data such as a home purchase. Personalized campaigns improved marketing effectiveness and customer satisfaction. 3. What forms of analytics are employed at Nationwide? Descriptive and predictive analytics are the most predominantly employed forms at Nationwide. To start with, Nationwide’s Financial Performance Management initiative is an example of descriptive or reporting analytics designed to provide a detailed snapshot of trends through a range of visualization applications. In the case of Nationwide, the Financial Performance Management replaced the fragmented and time consuming financial reporting environment. Nationwide also employs predictive an ...
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