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Substance Use Disorders

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American Military University
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Substance Use Disorders

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Substance Use Disorders
Of all major health concerns throughout the 21st century that has increased, substance use
disorders of drugs and alcohol are among the most devastating and insidious. According to the
National Survey on Drug Use and Health reports, those aged twelve and up engage in some sort
of illicit activity involving drugs or alcohol and that over 28 million people incur health risks by
using psychoactive substances (Wendt & Gone, 2018). On an annual basis, illicit substance use
takes the lives of over 600,000 people whereas alcohol is the third leading cause of death that is
majorly preventable behind cancer and heart disease (Maddux & Winstead, 2016). Although
serious challenges arise from addictions to substances and alcohol, these illicit behaviors also
create devastating effects for families and the victims of violence that the behaviors of those
addicted conduct. This paper will explain the DSM-5 Diagnostic criteria of substance addiction
while defining the addictive behaviors and emphasizing the various behaviors, culture, and social
issues of substance addiction. This paper will also explain the Pharmacological Treatments and
Psychotherapy-Based Interventions that can help those who have become addicted to substance
and alcohol use. Substance and alcohol use has evolved to many challenges the society faces
today while becoming a part of an intransigent multigenerational vicious cycle for communities
and families.
DSM-5 Diagnostic Criteria and Symptoms
Over the last centuries, various terminology usage has been afforded to substance use
given the phenomenon and influence of the problems it creates and how to address such
challenges. However, a more formal diagnostic system has recognized the importance of how
these labels bring order to the labeling system concerning alcohol and drug abuse. Although the
terms use, abuse and addiction are viewed by many as a continuum of behaviors, emphasizes is

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Running head: SUBSTANCE USE DISORDERS Substance Use Disorders Instructor Class Date Name 1 2 SUBSTANCE USE DISORDERS Substance Use Disorders Of all major health concerns throughout the 21st century that has increased, substance use disorders of drugs and alcohol are among the most devastating and insidious. According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health reports, those aged twelve and up engage in some sort of illicit activity involving drugs or alcohol and that over 28 million people incur health risks by using psychoactive substances (Wendt & Gone, 2018). On an annual basis, illicit substance use takes the lives of over 600,000 people whereas alcohol is the third leading cause of death that is majorly preventable behind cancer and heart disease (Maddux & Winstead, 2016). Although serious challenges arise from addictions to substances and alcohol, these illicit behaviors also create devastating effects for families and the victims of violence that the behaviors of those addicted conduct. This paper will explain the DSM-5 Diagnostic criteria of substance addiction while defining the addictive behaviors and emphasizing the various behaviors, culture, and social issues of substance addiction. This paper will also explain the Pharmacological Treatments and Psychotherapy-Based Interventions that can help those who have become addicted to substance and alcohol use. Substance and alcohol use has evolved to many challenges the society faces today while becoming a part ...
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