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Anatomy 11 cardiovascual bv edited

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HUMAN ANATOMY CHAPTER 11 CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM: BLOOD VESSELS DR. FAMADOR ORGE GENALDO HUMAN ANATOMY CHAPTER 11 CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM: BLOOD VESSELS • The blood vessels of the body form a network more complex than an interstate highway system • The blood vessels carry blood to within 2 or 3 cell diameters of nearly all the trillions of cells that make up the body • Blood flow through them is regulated, so that cells receive adequate nutrients and so that waste products are removed HUMAN ANATOMY CHAPTER 11 CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM: BLOOD VESSELS • Blood vessels remain functional, in most cases, in excess of 70 years • And like any other structures of the body, when blood vessels are damaged, they repair themselves HUMAN ANATOMY CHAPTER 11 CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM: BLOOD VESSELS • Blood vessels outside the heart are divided into two classes: • 1. The pulmonary vessels – transport blood from the RV of the heart through the lungs and back to the LA – pulmonary circulation • 2. The systemic vessels – transport blood from the LV of the heart through all parts of the body and back to the LA – systemic circulation • Together, the pulmonary vessels and the systemic vessels constitute the circulatory system HUMAN ANATOMY CHAPTER 11 CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM: BLOOD VESSELS • Blood flow through the circulatory system is ensured by the pumping of the heart • On its own, the circulatory system has five functions: • 1. Transport blood – blood vesse ...
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