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Altered Consciousness

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Santa Monica College
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Altered Consciousness

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Altered Consciousness
Almost all known societies on earth engage in conscious altering practices. Although the
use of the psychoactive substance is among the most profoundly known mind altering practice,
intentional alteration may result from usual and straightforward activities such as sleeping,
hypnosis, and even meditation. Thus, in such situations, the therapist's role is to lead the inquest
of this memory (Srinivasan, 2015). For instance, the movie, the Old boy (2003), clearly
illustrates how people engage in conscious altering practices. Dae-Su, an alcoholic, undergoes
consciousness alteration, which is facilitated by his tormentor.
Question one: Why did you choose this movie?
Although the quest for vengeance significantly dominates this movie, it adequately
illustrates the concept of conscious alteration through hypnosis conducted on Dae-Su and her
daughter. Consequently, after his release, his captors call and presumes that it was merely
experimental imprisonment rather than revenge, and challenge him for lessons behind his
detention. Furthermore, it is astonishing how hypnosis could make him fail to recognize his
daughter and attempt to assault her sexually.
Question two: Give a summary of one of the parts of the movie about altered consciousness
Dae-Su, an average alcoholic man, is obnoxiously abducted while drunk, only to wake up
in a dilapidated windowless cell, where he lives for the next fifteen years, with television being
his only companion. He is convinced that his captors framed him to be the perpetrator. To
achieve this, Woo-jin and his allies, drug, and hypnotize him, such that he believes the staged
shows presented to him (Old boy, 2003). Notably, any time he became suicidal or his captor
needed access to his cell; he is rendered unconscious. For instance, to trim his hair or for
maintenance purposes.

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Running head: ALTERED CONSCIOUSNESS Altered Consciousness Name Institution Professor 1 ALTERED CONSCIOUSNESS 2 Altered Consciousness Almost all known societies on earth engage in conscious altering practices. Although the use of the psychoactive substance is among the most profoundly known mind altering practice, intentional alteration may result from usual and straightforward activities such as sleeping, hypnosis, and even meditation. Thus, in such situations, the therapist's role is to lead the inquest of this memory (Srinivasan, 2015). For instance, the movie, the Old boy (2003), clearly illustrates how people engage in conscious altering practices. Dae-Su, an alcoholic, undergoes consciousness alteration, which is facilitated by his tormentor. Question one: Why did you choose this movie? Although the quest for vengeance significantly dominates this movie, it adequately illustrates the concept of conscious alteration through hypnosis conducted on Dae-Su and her daughter. Consequently, after his release, his captors call and presumes that it was merely experimental imprisonment rather than revenge, and challenge him for lessons behind his detention. Furthermore, it is astonishing how hypnosis could make him fail to recognize his daughter and attempt to assault her sexually. Question two: Give a summary of one of the parts of the movie about altered consciousness Dae-Su, an average alcoholic man, is obnoxiously abducted while drunk, only to wake up in a dilapidated wi ...
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