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Nesuto hotelhigh staff turnover

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Nesuto Hotel/High Staff Turnover
Executive Summary
The key purpose of the report is to provide key information related to the high staff turnover
issue in Nesuto Hotel. The key aim of the report is to analyse the factors of the high staff
turnover along with providing key approaches and strategies for minimising the turnover rate
in Nesuto hotel. The literature review highlighted a number of factors such as motivation, job
satisfaction, compensation and others which impacts the staff turnover. In addition to this, the
key methods selected for data collection have been discussed which includes primary, survey
questionnaire, and secondary methods. The section of conclusion contains summarized
content of the report. It has been developed to find the answers of the research question.
Additionally, research limitation and future scope is delivered in this section. On the other
hand, the thematic analysis of the qualitative data has helped in understanding the actual
issues that are facing by the hospitality industries in the current scenario. Discussing several
challenges has also facilitated realising a range of possible solutions that are required for
formulating mitigation strategies to overcome those issues. The recommendation section has
helped in presenting the mitigation strategies in an effective way.

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0 Running Head: Nesuto Hotel/High Staff Turnover NESUTO HOTEL/HIGH STAFF TURNOVER 1 Nesuto Hotel/High Staff Turnover Executive Summary The key purpose of the report is to provide key information related to the high staff turnover issue in Nesuto Hotel. The key aim of the report is to analyse the factors of the high staff turnover along with providing key approaches and strategies for minimising the turnover rate in Nesuto hotel. The literature review highlighted a number of factors such as motivation, job satisfaction, compensation and others which impacts the staff turnover. In addition to this, the key methods selected for data collection have been discussed which includes primary, survey questionnaire, and secondary methods. The section of conclusion contains summarized content of the report. It has been developed to find the answers of the research question. Additionally, research limitation and future scope is delivered in this section. On the other hand, the thematic analysis of the qualitative data has helped in understanding the actual issues that are facing by the hospitality industries in the current scenario. Discussing several challenges has also facilitated realising a range of possible solutions that are required for formulating mitigation strategies to overcome those issues. The recommendation section has helped in presenting the mitigation strategies in an effective way. 2 Nesuto Hotel/High Staff Turnover 3 Nesuto Hotel/High Staff Turnover 4. Analysis ...
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