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Patient Centered Care.edited

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Strayer Univeristy
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Patient-Centered Care

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Patient-Centred Care
The way the Healthcare System Ought to have assisted the Patient
Careful consideration of the excerpts from the patient's blog posts creates a picture of a
widened disconnect of a patient's healthcare needs and what the providers, in return, give them.
Such a position is reinforced by analyzing the actions of the patient’s primary care physician
throughout her ailment journey as well as other specialists such as "Dr Feelgood.” The healthcare
system ought to have adopted a patient-centred care approach in assisting the patient (Patient-
centered care n.d). It should be noted that the patient was chronically suffering from two rare
conditions, that is the postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) and the Ehlers-Danlos
Syndrome (EDS), a situation that compounded her problems even further.
Patient-centred care refers to the healthcare provider practice that delivers healthcare
needs to patients and their families in a way that each patient values the most. It comprises
listening to the patient, always informing and involving them in the process of advancing care to
them (Topaz et al., 2019). The practice emphasizes respecting the preferences of the patient,
coordinating and integrating the care process, informing and educating the patient, guaranteeing
patient physical comfort and managing patient emotion. Other issues include involving friends
and family, laying the ground for continuity and transition as well as improving access to
How could the care delivery have been different?
In the event that the practice was being observed in the case of Jess Jacobs, several
unfortunate things that the patient encountered could have been avoided. As she notes in one of
her blog excerpts, patient-centred care would have guaranteed improved patient experience as a

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Running Head: PATIENT-CENTRED CARE Patient-Centered Care Name Professor Date 1 2 PATIENT CENTERED CARE Patient-Centred Care The way the Healthcare System Ought to have assisted the Patient Careful consideration of the excerpts from the patient's blog posts creates a picture of a widened disconnect of a patient's healthcare needs and what the providers, in return, give them. Such a position is reinforced by analyzing the actions of the patient’s primary care physician throughout her ailment journey as well as other specialists such as "Dr Feelgood.” The healthcare system ought to have adopted a patient-centred care approach in assisting the patient (Patientcentered care n.d). It should be noted that the patient was chronically suffering from two rare conditions, that is the postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) and the Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS), a situation that compounded her problems even further. Patient-centred care refers to the healthcare provider practice that delivers healthcare needs to patients and their families in a way that each patient values the most. It comprises listening to the patient, always informing and involving them in the process of a ...
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Just what I was looking for! Super helpful.
