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University of California San Diego
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Management 3: Quantitative Methods in Business Session 3 – Assignment (20 points) Instructions: Download the citibike dataset from Canvas and import it into R (see the handout on importing data to review the method demonstrated in class.) Once loaded, check that the dataset has loaded properly by confirming that the object appears in your environment, and contains the correct number of observations (50,000 rows) and variables (18 columns). Citi Bike is a bikesharing company based in New York City. Customers rent a bicycle from a station, and may ride the bike anywhere in the city for as long as they like. At the end of the trip, the customer deposits the bicycle at a designated Citi Bike station. Customers pay a small fixed fee for the rental session, plus a variable fee based on the duration of the trip. Customers may register as subscribers of the service, which allows them small discounts on trips and other special offers. The company is a predecessor to contemporary scooter-sharing companies like Bird or Lime. In this dataset, each row represents a rental session of a Citi Bike bicycle. The variables contained in the dataset are as follows: name description trip_id Primary key; a unique identifier of the rental session. bike_id A code identifying the bike rented for the session. weekday The day of the week on which the session occurred. start_hour The hour of the day (0-23) at which the session began. start_time The date and time at which the rental session b ...
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