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Sleeping Disorder

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Fiji National University
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Sleeping Disorder
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Having a good sleep is for the optimal functioning of the body and can impact on weight,
mood, and hormonal levels. The majority of the people have experienced difficulties in sleeping
at some point in their lives, making sleep problems, including sleep deprivation and insomnia
common. However, if the issues occur regularly and interfere with the normal functioning of the
body, then it might result in a sleep disorder. Sleep disorder may refer to a condition that harms
the ability of a person to get enough and quality sleep. Continuous experience of trouble in sleeping
makes an individual to be tired in the morning, and the energy drains quickly as the day progresses.
In the long run, the sleeping disorder affects efficiency, mood, and ability to handle stress. The
inability to take the necessary action can cause memory problems, a gain of weight, and poor
performance, among others. People with the sleeping disorder should start to track their sleeping
patterns and symptoms to alter their behaviors during the day and bedtime routine.

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Running head: SLEEPING DISORDER 1 Sleeping Disorder Name: Institutional affiliation SLEEPING DISORDER 2 Abstract Having a good sleep is for the optimal functioning of the body and can impact on weight, mood, and hormonal levels. The majority of the people have experienced difficulties in sleeping at some point in their lives, making sleep problems, including sleep deprivation and insomnia common. However, if the issues occur regularly and interfere with the normal functioning of the body, then it might result in a sleep disorder. Sleep disorder may refer to a condition that harms the ability of a person to get enough and quality sleep. Continuous experience of trouble in sleeping makes an individual to be tired in the morning, and the energy drains quickly as the day progresses. In the long run, the sleeping disorder affects efficiency, mood, and ability to handle stress. The inability to take the necessary action can cause memory problems, a gain of weight, and poor performance, among others. People with the sleeping disorder should start to track their sleeping patterns and symptoms to alter their behaviors during the day and bedtime routine. SLEEPING DISORDER 3 Types of Sleep Disorder Insomnia is one of the common types of sleep disorders. It refers to a lack of sleep at night due to stressful situations, health conditions, and jet lag. Oh et al. (2019) argue that depression and anxiety disorders can cause insomnia. Psychiatric comorbidities could negatively affe ...
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