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Running head: HISTORY 1

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Post A
The industrial revolution is one of the most pivotal transforming events of western
civilization, which created a huge change in many aspects of life such as the economy,
philosophy, and religion. It was because of the revolution that many in western society found
new ways of thinking and dealing with different tasks. Notably, there was also a huge
improvement in the quality of life.
One aspect of life that changed due to the revolution was the rise of the middle class,
which was primarily composed of bankers and manufacturers. These are people who are not very
rich but were able to live a fairly comfortable life. The rise of the middle class was due to the rise
of new economic and market opportunities which offered them a chance to make a decent living.
As well, there was the rise of liberalism due to the industrial revolution. That was
especially the case with factory owners who gave the worker a lot of freedom due to the low
supply of labour. Nationalism also emerged as a result of the revolution since there were better
road, technology, and weapons that gave the west more incentive to protect their territories.
Moreover, there was a rise in socialism which was a response to the wealth gap that existed due
to the industrial revolution.
Moreover, the industrial revolution was associated with revolutions in Germany, France,
Italy, and the Austrian empire. That is because the industrial revolution created a huge
population of working-class people who primarily depended on manufacturing jobs. Even so,
they were subjected to poor working conditions and meagre pay, and that made them yearn for
change (Piper, 2018). That led to the emergence of revolutions.

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Running head: HISTORY 1 History Name Institution HISTORY 2 Post A The industrial revolution is one of the most pivotal transforming events of western civilization, which created a huge change in many aspects of life such as the economy, philosophy, and religion. It was because of the revolution that many in western society found new ways of thinking and dealing with different tasks. Notably, there was also a huge improvement in the quality of life. One aspect of life that changed due to the revolution was the rise of the middle class, which was primarily composed of bankers and manufacturers. These are people who are not very rich but were able to live a fairly comfortable life. The rise of the middle class was due to the rise of new economic and market opportunities which offered them a chance to make a decent living. As well, there was the rise of liberalism due to the industrial revolution. That was especially the case with factory owners who gave the worker a lot of freedom due to the low supply of labour. Nationalism also emerged as a result of the revolution since there were better road, technology, and weapons that gave the west more incentive to protect their territories. Moreover, there was a rise in socialism which was a response to the wealth gap that existed due to the industrial revolution. Moreover, the industrial revolution was associated with revolutions in Germany, France, Italy, and the Austrian empire. That is because the industrial revolution created ...
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