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Pathways Of The Human Brain1

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Georgia State University
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Running head: Limbic system
Pathways of the human brain
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Limbic system
Pathways of the human brain
The limbic system is a structure located in the brain on both sides in a region known
as telencephalon and diencephalon (Isaacson, 2013). It is made of nuclei parts and cortical
areas of the brain of limbic system. It's the central part of the brain involved in human self-
preservation through autonomic regulation, learning, and emotions. In the brain, parts of the
cerebral cortex and subcortical areas make the limbic system. The pathways interconnected in
the system exhibits functions of the body, such as involuntary movements. Others are fear,
anxiety, and sexual effects. These parts include the hippocampus part of the cerebral cortex,
amygdala, hypothalamus, thalamic nuclei, and septal nuclei (Isaacson, 2013).
Damage of the limbic system
The limbic system in general plays an integral role in human behavior and
performance. The damage of the system exhibits vast conditions. The changes usually are
determined according to the affected part (Catani et al., 2013). Many disorders are associated
with decreased function of this system, and causes are often genetic or degenerative by
nature. The common condition arising from the dysfunction is Alzheimer's disease. It is a
degenerative disease affecting the hippocampus region, in which the primary role is memory
(Brookmeyer et al., 2007).
The significant change from this condition is the progressive loss of memory build up
further with confusion. The loss involves failure to recognize familiar locations and people. A
person is prone to anxiety, and the attention span is very shot. People with Alzheimer's
usually make a lot of bad decisions as they have difficulty in organizing their thoughts and
doing simple logical calculations. Often, they do a lot of self-harm through accidents.
Cognitive functions are so impaired that a person is very irritable, hallucinates, and paranoia
also occur. Progressive failure results in more issues with motor problems such as solely

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Running head: Limbic system Pathways of the human brain Institution affiliation Student name Limbic system Pathways of the human brain The limbic system is a structure located in the brain on both sides in a region known as telencephalon and diencephalon (Isaacson, 2013). It is made of nuclei parts and cortical areas of the brain of limbic system. It's the central part of the brain involved in human selfpreservation through autonomic regulation, learning, and emotions. In the brain, parts of the cerebral cortex and subcortical areas make the limbic system. The pathways interconnected in the system exhibits functions of the body, such as involuntary movements. Others are fear, anxiety, and sexual effects. These parts include the hippocampus part of the cerebral cortex, amygdala, hypothalamus, thalamic nuclei, and septal nuclei (Isaacson, 2013). Damage of the limbic system The limbic system in general plays an integral role in human behavior and performance. The damage of the system exhibits vast conditions. The changes usually are determined according to the affected part (Catani et al., 2013). Many disorders are associated with decreased function of this system, and causes are ...
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