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Review And Analysis Of Current Decision Making Theory Research Paper.edited.edited

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Keiser University
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Running head: LITERATURE
Review and Analysis of Current Decision-Making Theory

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Decision making is a critical aspect of our lives affecting the present and even the future
course that life takes. It affects personal lives, professional experiences, organizations, and even
nations. As such, our lives are the product of our decision making, which is more influential than
our place of birth, social-economic status, demographics, and so forth. The process of decision
making merely entails evaluating the various alternatives and possibilities available, ranking
them, and taking the most appropriate action. Campbell, Whitehead, & Franklin (2009) assert
that every single day, individuals are propelled to make decisions with varying levels of
significance. Some of these decisions pertain to small, innocuous, and domestic issues, while
others have a huge impact or magnitude affecting the livelihoods, wellbeing as well as the lives
of others. It is, therefore, critical to ensure that the decision-making process is adequately
undertaken and possible errors eliminated.
Flawed decision making can have devastating impacts on the lives of an individual,
organization, and even a nation. That is why individuals take more consideration and time when
it comes to making an important decision. It's sporadic to have a person who makes a life-
changing decision quickly and on-the-spot. Most individuals prefer to take their time, consider
their options, possible implications as well as the outcome that would result from the choices
made in the long run. The same is also true for an organization which engages the collective
efforts of the management and even special elite teams to consider the directions that an
organization should take by critically analyzing all their option.
However, as our own experiences and various scholarly works indicate, many mistakes
are made along the way. Campbell, Whitehead, & Franklin (2009) show how even intelligent
individuals and organizational leaders make flawed decisions despite their best intentions and
information that has been channeled their way. It is, therefore, essential to take an in-depth

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Running head: LITERATURE 1 Review and Analysis of Current Decision-Making Theory Name Course University LITERATURE 2 Decision making is a critical aspect of our lives affecting the present and even the future course that life takes. It affects personal lives, professional experiences, organizations, and even nations. As such, our lives are the product of our decision making, which is more influential than our place of birth, social-economic status, demographics, and so forth. The process of decision making merely entails evaluating the various alternatives and possibilities available, ranking them, and taking the most appropriate action. Campbell, Whitehead, & Franklin (2009) assert that every single day, individuals are propelled to make decisions with varying levels of significance. Some of these decisions pertain to small, innocuous, and domestic issues, while others have a huge impact or magnitude affecting the livelihoods, wellbeing as well as the lives of others. It is, therefore, critical to ensure that the decision-making process is adequately undertaken and possible errors eliminated. Flawed decision making can have devastating impacts on the lives of an individual, organization, and even a nation. That is why individuals take more consideration and time when it comes to making an important decision. It's sporadic to have a person who makes a lifechanging decision quickly and on-the-spot. Most individuals prefer to take their time, consider their options, poss ...
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