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Causes of homelessness

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Different Causes of Homelessness
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Different Causes of Homelessness
We are all affected by homelessness, whether or not we are homeless ourselves. It's
an issue that affects everyone. Homeless people frequently have no choice but to relieve
themselves outdoors since they lack their place of residence and the social standing necessary
to use public bathrooms. They struggle from poor access to health care and chronic diseases,
aggravated by their housing conditions: sleeping outside in all weather and living in tight
proximity with other ailing folks in social service organizations. Addiction, psychiatric
illnesses, domestic abuse, job loss, and disability are all common reasons for homelessness.
Therefore, we must look at the various reasons that play a role in homelessness.
Homelessness is often caused by substance misuse. Addictive illnesses wreak havoc
on relationships with family and friends, often resulting in job loss. Individuals who are
already having trouble paying their bills may lose their homes due to the beginning or
worsening of an addiction. (Thompson Jr et al. 2013). Often, the homeless community is seen
as alcoholics and drug users. As both a cause and a result of homelessness, substance abuse
often happens among those who have been forced to leave their homes. Substance addiction
and mental disorders coexist in many homeless persons. People with untreated mental
problems often self-medicate using illicit drugs, which is wrong self-medication. Homeless
persons who suffer from both drug abuse and mental illness have extra challenges in their
rehabilitation, including a higher risk of violence and victimization, as well as repeated
cycling in between streets, prisons, and emergency rooms.
Substance addiction and mental disorders coexist in many homeless persons. People
with untreated mental problems often self-medicate using illicit drugs, which is wrong self-
medication. Homeless persons who suffer from both drug abuse and mental illness have extra
challenges in their rehabilitation, including a higher risk of violence and victimization, as
well as repeated cycling between both the streets, prisons, and emergency rooms. (Shinn &

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