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Running head: ACCESS CONTROL 1 Access Control Name Institutional Affiliations Date ACCESS CONTROL 2 Access Control What are the issues and root causes that necessitates the enactment and/or establishment of Federal, state and local government laws, and the establishment of regulations and policies for access control? Cite such laws, regulations and policies in your particular state. Unauthorized access to logical and physical systems is some of the issues that necessitate access control laws. There is a need to provide security for confidential or sensitive information, such as consumer data in organizations, to ensure that this information is not misused (Maulany et al., 2018). There is also a need to restrict the media, visitors, and employees, from accessing certain areas or buildings. Effective control ensures that individuals with the intent to do harm or steal the organization's data are kept off. The organization's systems should also be monitored to ensure that there is no unauthorized access to the organization's database. There are many applications that require authorization control due to safety, privacy, and security issues. Users of these activities conduct seve ...
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