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Nrse 4510 Discussion Board Family Developmental And Life Cycle Theory

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Ohio University Main Campus
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Discussion Board
Facilitating Role Learning of Family Members
During childbearing, new responsibilities in the family are created which may interfere
with how couples relate or communicate. While bringing a new life may be exciting for the
family, most have reported increased stress levels among the partners especially with many
responsibilities (Kaakinen et al., 2018). For instance, when dealing with homosexual partners,
the role of being a mother can be confusing as two men may not understand who should be the
primary caregiver. The duties including cooking, laundry, and child care among others may need
some training or role learning to make the family workable. In such a case, prior training is
recommended for the couple to make them understand the expectations of being a family (Miller,
Kors & Macfie, 2017). The options of getting a caregiver to help could be considered especially
if both partners are working but it would interfere with bonding which is needed after childbirth.
In my nursing practice, I encountered a gay couple who were interested in expanding
their family by having a child. After discussions, they decided that they would adopt a three-
month old baby from the children’s home. I was involved in some of the sessions with them
highlighting the changing roles of the family that are to be expected in case they push on with the
plan. One of the recommendations was to join a mother’s support group that would give them the
tips required when dealing with a newborn including understanding the realities of taking care of
the child (Miller, Kors & Macfie, 2017). One issue was that the mothers’ group did not have any
gay couples and they appeared odd. However, after several sessions they began to take on
positive attitudes towards the new responsibilities they had resolved to undertake. The partners
attended the sessions together which was a critical step in showing commitment to the task and
being actively involved in the changing phase of the family. After meeting the required legal

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Running head: DISCUSSION BOARD 1 Discussion Board Name Institution DISCUSSION BOARD 2 Discussion Board Facilitating Role Learning of Family Members During childbearing, new responsibilities in the family are created which may interfere with how couples relate or communicate. While bringing a new life may be exciting for the family, most have reported increased stress levels among the partners especially with many responsibilities (Kaakinen et al., 2018). For instance, when dealing with homosexual partners, the role of being a mother can be confusing as two men may not understand who should be the primary caregiver. The duties including cooking, laundry, and child care among others may need some training or role learning to make the family workable. In such a case, prior training is recommended for the couple to make them understand the expectations of being a family (Miller, Kors & Macfie, 2017). The options of getting a caregiver to help could be considered especially if both partners are working but it would interfere with bonding which is needed after childbirth. In my nursing practice, I encountered a gay couple who were interested in expanding their family by having a ch ...
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