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The Effects of learning retention theory on poor student academic achievement
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There is a significant number of students within BridgePrep that have special needs
that are not able to me met. Many students are transferring from other schools that have
documented behavioral/academic challenges. Charter Schools have a limited funding to
provide support for students with special needs. About 7% of the students within charter
schools will receive exceptional student education while 11% and higher will be enrolled in
public schools where resources are readily available. This proposal will focus on students
identified for special education services in the fourth and fifth grades. These students are
struggling to recall and retain information taught in their mathematics classes, resulting in
low math proficiency rates. It is very important to find out what techniques assist students in
retaining and recalling information taught in their classrooms.

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The Effects of learning retention theory on poor student academic achievement Student name Institution Date Abstract There is a significant number of students within BridgePrep that have special needs that are not able to me met. Many students are transferring from other schools that have documented behavioral/academic challenges. Charter Schools have a limited funding to provide support for students with special needs. About 7% of the students within charter schools will receive exceptional student education while 11% and higher will be enrolled in public schools where resources are readily available. This proposal will focus on students identified for special education services in the fourth and fifth grades. These students are struggling to recall and retain information taught in their mathematics classes, resulting in low math proficiency rates. It is very important to find out what techniques assist students in retaining and recalling information taught in their classrooms. Chapter 1: Research Problem Introduction Charter Schools have a limited funding to provide support for students with special needs. About 7% of the students within charter schools will receive exceptional student education while 11% and higher will be enrolled in public schools where resources are readily available. Statement of the Research Problem The problem this study will address is poor student academic achievement. There is a significant number of students within BridgePrep that have spec ...
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