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Urbanized Societies And Undeveloped Land

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California Coast University
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Urbanized Societies and Undeveloped Land
Institutional Affiliation

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Urbanization or urban expansion highly relies on undeveloped land. An increase has
been seen in the use of undeveloped land that has been used to promote urban expansion. One
of the main reasons behind this phenomenon will focus on the natural resources present on
undeveloped lands. The undeveloped lands offer certain resources, which will be absent on
developed land. The natural resources will be used to provide the urbanized societies with an
ecosystem that will support the populations living in these particular societies.
Urban planning will revolve around the use of land, more so, undeveloped land.
Urbanization has been linked to the changes when it comes to the land surface and its nature.
The changes have also led to various consequences and, possibly, some adverse effects.
Urbanized societies require undeveloped land due to the growth of the populations. The
growth of population in such societies has led to further expansion to such lands since
undeveloped land will provide space and resources that will be used by the populations in
urban societies (Güneralp et al., 2013).
The increase in the number of urbanized societies has also contributed to the receding
of agricultural land. A good portion of both agricultural land and undeveloped land will be
used to provide shelter or to house the populations living in urbanized societies. Buildings
have been built on undeveloped land or near the agricultural land, further leading to an
increase in the number of areas filled with hard surfaces such as roads, roofs, and footpaths.
One other reason why urbanized societies are concerned with undeveloped land will focus on
garbage and crime rates. It has been noted that undeveloped land will contain garbage. The
land will also be linked to high crime rates that have further led the urban residents to
consider using the land. The consideration of undeveloped land will focus on using the space
to build or establish community amenities that can be used by urbanized societies (Evers,

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Running Head: URBANIZED SOCIETIES AND UNDEVELOPED LAND Urbanized Societies and Undeveloped Land Institutional Affiliation Date 1 URBANIZED SOCIETIES AND UNDEVELOPED LAND 2 Urbanization or urban expansion highly relies on undeveloped land. An increase has been seen in the use of undeveloped land that has been used to promote urban expansion. One of the main reasons behind this phenomenon will focus on the natural resources present on undeveloped lands. The undeveloped lands offer certain resources, which will be absent on developed land. The natural resources will be used to provide the urbanized societies with an ecosystem that will support the populations living in these particular societies. Urban planning will revolve around the use of land, more so, undeveloped land. Urbanization has been linked to the changes when it comes to the land surface and its nature. The changes have also led to various consequences and, possibly, some adverse effects. Urbanized societies require undeveloped land due to the growth of the populations. The growth of population in such societies has led to further expansion to such lands since undeveloped land will provide space and resources that w ...
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