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Early Childhood Care And Education

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Social Science
Walden University
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Early Childhood Care and Education
Undeniably, the quest for augmented child care is at par with the increasing number of
young children as a result of increased birth rates. Until the recent past, children did not acquire
adequate child care support before they attained a mature age to attend school. Nonetheless,
increased usage of child care centers on early child development has greatly influenced children’s
social development (Britto et al., 2017). Parents and guardians have sought to find out how both
family and child care have influenced their children’s character. As a result, child care centers have
been developed to influence the child’s cognitive skills in the course of preschool experience.
The effects of early childhood care originate from early intervention programs for kids at
risk and typical community care. Early intervention programs have long term positive impacts on
a child’s cognitive and academic development from childhood to adulthood. They are better
indicators for school success, for instance, special school placement, number of years spent while
in school, and the intellectual part of a child (Ma, Shen, Krenn, Hu & Yuan, 2016). Parent inclusion
in early childhood education influences children’s experience in the classroom pertaining to
outside world activities. A parent’s knowledge of what a child is doing at preschool brings a better
understanding of a child’s areas of competency and areas that should be given attention.
Positive impacts are achieved by establishing proper communication channels between
children, care centers, and parents. Children from advantaged backgrounds are influenced by the
kind of care they are offered. As much as sound quality child care is expensive to provide, it brings
good quality child care in early development stages. Encouraging active parental involvement in
child care centers helps develop children beyond their early stages and also allows them to make
their families an integral part of the children’s education. Support for responsive relationships,
including community support, has more significant benefits ranging from brain growth and

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Running head: EARLY CHILDHOOD CARE AND EDUCATION EARLY CHILDHOOD CARE AND EDUCATION Name Institution name Instructor’s name Course name Date 1 EARLY CHILDHOOD CARE AND EDUCATION 2 Early Childhood Care and Education Undeniably, the quest for augmented child care is at par with the increasing number of young children as a result of increased birth rates. Until the recent past, children did not acquire adequate child care support before they attained a mature age to attend school. Nonetheless, increased usage of child care centers on early child development has greatly influenced children’s social development (Britto et al., 2017). Parents and guardians have sought to find out how both family and child care have influenced their children’s character. As a result, child care centers have been developed to influence the child’s cognitive skills in the course of preschool experience. The effects of early childhood care originate from early intervention programs for kids at risk and typical community care. Early intervention programs have long term positive impacts on a child’s cognitive and academic development from childhood to adulthood. They are better indicators for school success, for instance, special school placement, number of years spent while in school, and the intellectual part of a child (Ma, Shen, Krenn, Hu & Yuan, 2016). Parent inclusion in early childhood education influences children’s experience in the classroom pertaining to outside world activi ...
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