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Disruptive Technologies

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Northeastern Illinois University
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Disruptive Technologies
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Disruptive Technologies
The claim that Google’s software are likely to render IBM in the next 10 years appears
justifiable. Foremost, Google is developing more disruptive software for use in higher education
sector than IBM. For example, IBM plays a role majorly in Artificial Intelligence (AI) such as
Jill Watson, an AI assistant professor at Georgia Tech (Adamuthe & Thampi, 2019). In contrast,
Google is actively involved in collaboration platforms such as videos, forums, and presentations
that integrate educational material in various formats. For instance, Google Docs supports remote
document creation, commentary, and revision. Also, Google Glass uses Augmented Reality (AR)
to inject value into the educational process by adding a stratum of information to physical reality.
The software enables hands-free process optimization such as picking items in a warehouse
(Adamuthe & Thampi, 2019). By developing the software, Google demonstrates a cognizance of
the fact that shopping will be automated in the future.
Additionally, Google poses a great threat to IBM’s quantum computing. Google
announced in October, 2019 that it developed a new software the will challenge IBM’s
computing technology. Google’s code-named Sycamore is a quantum processor made of 54
autonomously addressable superconducting interchange devices (Behera, Seth, Das, & Panigrahi,
2019). The devices support the storage of a single bit of quantum data contrary to the bits in a
classical computer. The cooling system of Google’s Quantum computer uses a special helium
dilution cooling technology. IBM has challenged this disruption by creating a computation
technique that can reduce the computational time of classical computers to days.
However, the IBM technology would only be possible on the world’s fastest
supercomputer the IBM OLCF-4. Quantum computing is will be very disruptive as they use
Shor’s algorithm for code-breaking and quantum-based encryptions for detection of trackers.

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Running head: DISRUPTIVE TECHNOLOGIES Disruptive Technologies Student’s Name Institutional affiliation DISRUPTIVE TECHNOLOGIES 2 Disruptive Technologies The claim that Google’s software are likely to render IBM in the next 10 years appears justifiable. Foremost, Google is developing more disruptive software for use in higher education sector than IBM. For example, IBM plays a role majorly in Artificial Intelligence (AI) such as Jill Watson, an AI assistant professor at Georgia Tech (Adamuthe & Thampi, 2019). In contrast, Google is actively involved in collaboration platforms such as videos, forums, and presentations that integrate educational material in various formats. For instance, Google Docs supports remote document creation, commentary, and revision. Also, Google Glass uses Augmented Reality (AR) to inject value into the educational process by adding a stratum of information to physical reality. The software enables hands-free process optimization such as picking items in a warehouse (Adamuthe & Thampi, 2019). By developing the software, Google demonstrates a cognizance of the fact that shopping will be automated in the future. Additionally, Google poses a great thre ...
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