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University of California Irvine
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Social Media Optimization
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Social Media Optimization
Social media optimization (SMO) refers to the process of increasing awareness or a brand,
event, or product by using various social media channels to generate publicity. This process
involves the use of bookmaking sites, videos, blogging sites, and social media sites. This term
may seem to be similar to social engine optimization because they share a common goal that they
are a huge difference in what is being optimized (Hamad and Al-Shboul, 2017). Search engine
optimization refers to the process of optimizing a website to get organic results. It involves the
process of making a few changes on the web design to make it more attractive to people
searching it. This is done with the hope that the search engine displays your website on the top of
the page during the search process
To optimize a social media strategy, one needs to incorporate various strategies to ensure
that the whole process works out. Firstly one needs to be social with social media users. Through
being social is the only way people will be able to know how your product or brand being
optimized. The second step is choosing the right social network to promote the brand image.
Different social channels differ depending on the type of product being advertised (Hashim, Al-
Sharqi and Kutbi, 2019). For instance, you can choose Twitter for a discussion, and Facebook is
a book that is good for a social event. The other step is to make the social media post stand out
and monitor the progress. During this process, graphic designers play an important role in
ensuring that the web created to optimize a brand is impressive. They use the entire graphic that
helps the consumers to notice the product being optimized even before buying it. It is also the
work of the graphic designer to summarize the information about the brand.
Assignment 5

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Running head: SOCIAL MEDIA OPTIMIZATION Social Media Optimization Student Name Institution Affiliation 1 SOCIAL MEDIA OPTIMIZATION 2 Social Media Optimization Social media optimization (SMO) refers to the process of increasing awareness or a brand, event, or product by using various social media channels to generate publicity. This process involves the use of bookmaking sites, videos, blogging sites, and social media sites. This term may seem to be similar to social engine optimization because they share a common goal that they are a huge difference in what is being optimized (Hamad and Al-Shboul, 2017). Search engine optimization refers to the process of optimizing a website to get organic results. It involves the process of making a few changes on the web design to make it more attractive to people searching it. This is done with the hope that the search engine displays your website on the top of the page during the search process To optimize a social media strategy, one needs to incorporate various strategies to ensure that the whole process works out. Firstly one needs to be social with social media users. Through being social is the only way people will be able to know how your product or brand being optimized. The second step is choosing the right social network to promote the brand image. Different social channels differ depending on the type of product being advertised (Hashim, AlSharqi and Kutbi, 2019). For instance, you can choose Twitter for a discussion, an ...
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