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Amu class introduction

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Hello Professor and Class,
My Name is Patrick Kelley, I grew up in the Greater Boston area until high school when I
moved to Cape Cod to attend high school. Moving from a very urban environment to a more
rural type of area was drastic at the time. I am currently serving in the United States Marine
Corps. I have been on active duty the last 14 years. Before joining the Marines, I worked some
cashier jobs, but mainly construction (i.e., roofing, painting, basic carpentry etc.). I joined the
Marines at 24 so that came with some challenges. I have deployed to Afghanistan from Aug
2010-March 2010, and April 2011 sept 2011 both as a Civil Affairs NCO.
I have served with a recruiting command as a Logistics Chief from 2012-2015 and as a
Drill Instructor and Senior Drill Instructor in MCRD San Diego from July 2015 to Nov 2018. I
have a myriad of Military Occupation Specialties (MOS): Supply Chain Management Specialist
(3043), martial arts instructor (0916), Drill Instructor (0911), Civil Affairs NCO (0531),
administrative clerk (0151), substance abuse counseling officer (0149), and safety officer (8012).
I have one son, Sean, who is 8 and in the second grade this year. I am glad to be here and
have the opportunity to attend this class and am looking forward to having interesting
conversations with all of you. Also, I am looking forward to moving closer to my goal of finally
achieving my dream of completing and receiving a B.A in Supply Chain Management with a
concentration in Government Contracting and Acquisitions.

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