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Gpp Written Assignment

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Thomas Edison State College
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GPP Written Assignment
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GPP Written Assignment
Question 1
When player 1 in the Ultimate Game decides to offer me $10 and I am player 2, it mostly
makes a huge difference to me, especially when player 1 divides $12, $20, or $100. In particular,
the difference results from the fact that I must understand how player 1 made the split. In this
sense, I would like to understand how he or she split the sum between us so that I can arrive at
the position to reject or accept his or her proposal. To a greater degree, just as I have explained,
my decision to accept the split would squarely depend on my knowledge of how everything was
done. Suffice to say, if I decline player 1’s proposal for the division, it would mean that none of
us will gain anything. In this regard, if player 1’s offer is less than 20 percent of the sum, I would
automatically decline such a proposal. It, then, implies that if the sum is $12 or $20, my decision
would be to accept the proposal because the $10 that player 1 is giving me is fair and more than
20 percent of the sum of $10. However, I would have to reject the proposal if the sum is $100
simply because player 1 would be giving me less than 20 percent. Usually, the judgment to reject
offers that are small and unfair emanates from the notion of equity. This notion is of significant
application as small offers would often affront receivers’ basic rights and sense of equality in a
given activity. On the other hand, it would make a considerable difference in the money player 1
is offering belongs to him or her. It could be the money won from a previous game. With this
understanding, it would be fair if player 1 offers me the $10, even when the sum is $100. If the
money has been given to him, it is not his or hers, and therefore, I would have to reject his offer.
Question 2
Discussed in class, the tragedy of the commons also refers to the prisoner’s dilemma. It
was presented as an economic concept that describes ways in which individuals often utilize the

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Running head: GPP WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT GPP Written Assignment Name Institutional Affiliation 1 GPP WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT 2 GPP Written Assignment Question 1 When player 1 in the Ultimate Game decides to offer me $10 and I am player 2, it mostly makes a huge difference to me, especially when player 1 divides $12, $20, or $100. In particular, the difference results from the fact that I must understand how player 1 made the split. In this sense, I would like to understand how he or she split the sum between us so that I can arrive at the position to reject or accept his or her proposal. To a greater degree, just as I have explained, my decision to accept the split would squarely depend on my knowledge of how everything was done. Suffice to say, if I decline player 1’s proposal for the division, it would mean that none of us will gain anything. In this regard, if player 1’s offer is less than 20 percent of the sum, I would automatically decline such a proposal. It, then, implies that if the sum is $12 or $20, my decision would be to accept the proposal because the $10 that player 1 is giving me is fair and more than 20 percent of the sum of $10. However, I would have to reject the proposal if the sum is $100 simply because player 1 would be giving me less than 20 percent. Usually, the judgment to reject offers that are small and unfair emanates from the notion of equity. This notion is of significant application as small offers would often affront receivers’ basic rights a ...
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