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Advocacy Speech Topics

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Edmonds Community College
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Advocacy Speech Topics
Speech Topic 1: Enacting Strict Gun Control Measures
Over the years, the number of deaths by gunshots has increased in the United States of America.
This can be attributed to the fact there is increased ownership and utilization of guns among
civilians. The initial intention of granting them this right was to enhance their self-defense in
case they came across armed criminals. However, the purposes have changed and people are
utilizing these licensed firearms to cause injuries and death to others and even themselves. That
accounts for the increased cases of suicide, homicides and mass shootings. Therefore, it is
important to install strict gun control measures in the country.
Speech Topic 2: Abolishment of Death Penalties
Most of the States in the USA have provisions that allow for the utilization of capital
punishments as a way to punish certain behaviors and actions. However, the acts do not follow
the ethical requirements and are against the sanity as taught by various religions and norms that
the people believe in. Life is sacred and no one has the power to take it. Sometimes, a person
may be wrongly accused and in case he or she is granted the death penalty means that justice was
not served right. Therefore, it is important to abolish the death penalty in all States in the US.

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1 Name: Course: Instructor: Date: Advocacy Speech Topics Speech Topic 1: Enacting Strict Gun Control Measures Over the years, the number of deaths by gunshots has increased in the United States of America. This can be attributed to the fact there is increased ownership and utilization of guns among civilians. The initial intention of granting them this right was to enhance their self-defense in case they came across armed criminals. However, the purposes have changed and people are utilizing these licensed firearms to cause injuries and death to others and even themselves. That accounts for t ...
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