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Apple Inc. Demographics...

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Apple Inc. Demographics
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Apple Inc. Demographics
2014 records show that the workforce demographics in Apple was made up of more male
than females (Liu, 2014). Out of the total staff available, 55% are white, 7% blacks, 15% Asian,
and 11% are Hispanic. Only 2% are multiracial, and the rest did not reveal their race. Of this
population, 70% is made up of males, while only 30% is made up of females. Research shows
that other tech companies, such as Twitter, Google, and Facebook, have similar employee-
demographics reports. In the report, the company made commitments to improve the company's
workforce diversity. True to its word, Apple made changes to its demographics to increase its
diversity by reducing the total population of males in the company. Currently, there is 50%
white, 23% are Asian, 9% are black, and 14% are Hispanic. 3% are multiracial, while only 1%
make up the population from Native Americans, Pacific Islanders, and Native Hawaiian (Apple,
Graphical Representation of the demographics in Apple as of 2019
Recently, the company made changes to its demographics in a bid to increase its
diversity. The company believes that the diversity evidenced in the employees is its greatest
strength. The growth evidenced has been facilitated by the company’s ability to draw differences
in who they are, how they think, and their individual experiences. In order to create inclusive
products, the company believes in including different people to increase its diversity.
Apple Inc. handled changes in demographics effectively since diversity enabled the
company to manifest itself in the creation of a good reputation that increased opportunities and
profitability for the workers. The company believes that promoting its diversity is essential
within and outside the organization (Zhang, Wang, Zhang & Song, 2020). Apple Inc. also
understands that changes in demographics due to increased workplace diversity result in
Workplace Demographics
Whites Asian Black Hispanic Multiracial Others

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Running head: APPLE INC. DEMOGRAPHICS Apple Inc. Demographics Student’s Name Institution Affiliation 1 APPLE INC. DEMOGRAPHICS 2 Apple Inc. Demographics 2014 records show that the workforce demographics in Apple was made up of more male than females (Liu, 2014). Out of the total staff available, 55% are white, 7% blacks, 15% Asian, and 11% are Hispanic. Only 2% are multiracial, and the rest did not reveal their race. Of this population, 70% is made up of males, while only 30% is made up of females. Research shows that other tech companies, such as Twitter, Google, and Facebook, have similar employeedemographics reports. In the report, the company made commitments to improve the company's workforce diversity. True to its word, Apple made changes to its demographics to increase its diversity by reducing the total population of males in the company. Currently, there is 50% white, 23% are Asian, 9% are black, and 14% are Hispanic. 3% are multiracial, while only 1% make up the population from Native Americans, Pacific Islanders, and Native Hawaiian (Apple, 2019). Workplace Demographics 1% 3% 14% 9% 50% 23% Whites Asian Black Hispanic Multiracial Others Graphical Repres ...
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